(1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

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Orange Mudkip said:
Well the total differences between forms DRASTICALLY changed. How many starters started out bipedal then became quadrupedal?
Oh, and I have a question: have any other Pokemon been revealed like this? I mean... like on a sheet of printed paper?
Not making an argument at all. Just asking.
Your argument is weak. Blastoise and Squirtle are both, in fact, TURTLES. Turtwig and Torterra share the similar quality of being turtles, as well as the sprout-->tree "growing up" similarity.

WPM, spare us your insider information, seriously. This insider information crap is absolutely ruining your/Serebii/Pokexperto's community, and I'm pretty sick of it. If it's real , show us the proof, and if Pokexperto wants to validate his claim, why is he keeping it secret?

I also love how you discredit people's arguments by saying you have your own insider information, and then say "We'll know it's a scam if the smiley mask Pokemon has crazy eyebrows". Um, what? So, you're basing your argument of disqualifying other's arguments based on something that you yourself have not confirmed yet?

Give us a break, tell us or shut up and let us speculate. I'm tired of this just as much as you are, but coming in and saying "Lol okay guys, they are real now" while EVERY SINGLE SOURCE has a TINGE of doubt is pretty ballsy and insulting.

Also, you yourself tackle the weakest of the arguments. What about the forensic editing proof, or perhaps the errors within the sprites? The coloring issues with Pokabu's 2nd evolution, the fact that Mijumaru is all-but-confirmed Fighting-type (Revenge/Shell Blade) yet shows none of these qualities, or the fact that the final evolutions show perspective issues with the mustache of Mijumaru's 3rd and the hood of Tsutaja's 3rd.

You validate your argument by picking at the weakest link, when everyone agrees that they are WEAK arguments.

You could have done this in a more respectful way.~de
Really? Hmm... So there's not much proof that they're real OR fake. X_X
This is almost as complicated as drying myself fully after I take a shower. >.> >.>
Why are you so upset, the point of Pokebeach is to give us news, and sometimes good news is rumors, and he already said that he doesn't want to reveal the source out of courtesy. How would you feel if you showed something to someone, asked for them to stay quiet, and then they yelled it to everyone?
Here's the way it stands for starters so far in Pokemon: every generation, there is one of each of the following family types

Mostly Bipedal - Usually on two legs for movement but can switch (Charmander line, Totodile line, Torchic line, Empoleon line)
Mostly Quadrupedal - Usually on four legs for movement but can switch (Bulbasaur line, Chikorita line, Mudkip line, Turtwig line)
Mixed - Switches between both often (Squirtle line, Cyndaquil line, Treecko line, Chimchar line)

Now, with the given catergories, I would put Tsujarta in Mixed, Pokabu is Mostly Quadrupedal and Mijumaru in Mostly Bipedal. Though, this is the turn point generation so this could seal the pattern or break it entirely.
Well I'll admit gamefreak has to do something new, but other starters keep the same overall appearance. Turtwig into torterra: They are still turtles with plants on their head/back. Venusaur looks a lot like bulbasaur but the bulb changed to a flower (THAT MAKES SENSE). But a sea otter turning into a.... whatever that shell-laden unicorn thing is? THat doesn't make sense.
Hahaha... SRSLY?, for me they are fake, i mean... they are REALLY fugly x'D

Maybe the source of your source was fake WPM :p
Lol yeah. At the moment the only proof for them being fake is the amount of mistakes people have found with the images and the fact that the spanish site had a fake image, even though they are revealing this suposedly real information.
As for being real, Serebii uses a different source which obviously he cannot disclose, and WPM and was shown several images which he deemed to atleast be somewhat beliveable, until we recieve official confimation ofcourse.
Why can't you guys just be patient and wait, instead of arguing like a bunch of 10-year-olds? :/ They may be fake, they may not. You may like them, you may not. That's no reason to be at each other's throats, though.
@Mew Source of All,

The fact that not a single person can discredit/credit these as true/rumor without giving us some bullshit about "Well, well, I CANNOT TELL YOU WHY, but they are so true!! Stop complaining, I PROMISE THEY ARE REAL".

Again, WHY exactly would Pokexperto wish to keep this information secret? And what purpose does it serve to the community at hand. We are all YEARNING for answers, so why are things still so wishy-washy when it comes to revealing things? If the evolutions were meant to be kept secret in the first place, Balls to that! They're out now, you might as well go all the way instead of this half-assed "Well, yes...but no...well sorta" crap that almost every community is going through right now.

The fact that they are trying to still maintain the secrecy, but promising things to the community is simply frustrating. It's happening everywhere, and it just seems like these webmasters are using their "credible sources" to bypass any sort of doubt, yet also letting their communities run amok with arguments/debates. Counter productive, wouldn't you think?
Totally agreed, this entire argument is totally futile, I'm just still confused as of why everyone else thinks that they're absolutely right.
I really don't want those to be real. The only one that looks good is Tstuaaja's. Pokabu's and Mijumaru's just really don't seem to fit. If these are real, it's going to take quite awhile to get used to them.
But a sea otter turning into a.... whatever that shell-laden unicorn thing is? THat doesn't make sense.
Its a otter? A otter turning into a otter isn't weird... XD
They better be fake, but i like tsutaaja's evo. Well thats something i'm willing to sacrifice for much better real ones by gamefreak. Assuming they are fake.
Listen guys for the past few weeks WPM has avoided posting rumours that he knows are fake, this time he has proof that they are real so he put it up, now because he put it up I believe it is real (and because..call me crazy I like them), if he says he cant show you proof because the person he got it off didnt want him to let us know, respect it and stop complaining, (i dont mind you stating your opinions though XD)
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