“Battle Partners” Secret Rares Revealed!

That scan from IR Swinub is so blurry that you cant even tag the illustrator of it on Twitter.
For the first time ever, we have gotten a Gold Hyper Rare card with a design that is actually peak. N may have no viability, but DAMN he won with the Gold Zoroark.
The ironic part is that N was one good/great attacker alway from been at least tier 2 imo.
Groudon is one of the worst legendaries. I can see why.
Groudon is one of my favorite Pokémon ever!! But I'm not crying that it doesn't have any playable cards or SAR... It already has gold star, dual type, primal reversion, and 2-piece Legend!! Not many Pokémon can say they have these mechanics.
I feel like these arts are a good reminder of how magical Pokemon can be. As someone who has ribombee in his top 20-25 Pokemon, and who tears up every time I watch lillie's story on my 5 billionth Ultra Sun playthrough and adores her immensely, that ribombee card is like a diamond comet to me. I know I'll never, ever get it, but it makes me so happy.