“Battle Partners” Pokemon Center TCG Accessories Revealed for January!

Do these type of thing usually make it to the US poke center? I actually like that playmat.
Yay, Nintendo didn't forget about Furret.

Also hyped that the beefy stage 2s got sleeves, and loving the ACE SPEC sleeves too. Only 13 more days..
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It can’t be Tera Electric Mismagius either because that would have to be an Iono’s ex, and we know there are no more Trainer’s ex’s in the set. Normal Misdreavus and Mismagius also aren’t in the set since there’s only 1 space between Lillie’s Clefairy ex and Shuppet. These sleeves and merch must just be based on Iono’s rematch team in the games.
Maybe they'll pull a Konami, and release some more support in the next set. Not a lot, Just 5 or a little more to finish the set. They won't, but it could be cool.