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  1. G

    mega safariblade, but i already beat the E4....thanks anyway!! =)

    mega safariblade, but i already beat the E4....thanks anyway!! =)
  2. G

    Hey, can you let me know the type and pokemons in my safari? My FC is 1650 - 1275 - 0974. Thank you!

    Hey, can you let me know the type and pokemons in my safari? My FC is 1650 - 1275 - 0974. Thank you!
  3. G

    Wi-Fi Trades 3DS Friend Code and Pokémon X / Y Friend Safari Registry

    RE: 3DS Friend Code Registry Forum Username: GuiltyEX Friend Code: 1650-1275-0974 Playing Pokémon X only
  4. G

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hi, I joined because its a great place do discuss about pokemon.
  5. G

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Rumors, Speculation and Potential Spoilers GF changed the amount of Extrasensory PP from 30 to 20? I think the Froakie last evo is definitely fake.