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  1. NorthBlue

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    Oh the maps were a cool idea and the rivers kind of seem to fit each other very well but isn't Kanto and Unova supposed to be very far from each other?
  2. NorthBlue

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    He might have joined today but you don't know how long he has been on Pokebeach for news and other things. I just made an account today to post on the forums but I've been following info since gen 5 (which isn't a lot but still) umm *cough*
  3. NorthBlue

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    I guess this makes Zigzagoon one of the Pokemon you can find in the early game. It looks like it might just be Roselia or something. Though it's impossible to tell.
  4. NorthBlue

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    Yeah I'm with you on all of this! I also made an account just cause of all these things going on! lol Some people are really angry and others are just angry at those angry at wpm. I really doubt his insider chose to only communicate with him alone but who knows?
  5. NorthBlue

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    It's all speculation and rumors and people claiming to know the right info. Just because some of his insiders information came out to be true does not mean it's all true. This shouldn't be as big a deal as it is as it isn't anything official from gf themselves. Regardless, I would really like to...
  6. NorthBlue

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    I'm not mad at him but I completely agree with you on the part that saying he has a bunch of info seemed kind of pointless if we weren't going to be told the details. At least it's hyping up this forum.
  7. NorthBlue

    (1) Supposed 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/11]

    I personally think it's a weird idea to give you another starter early in the game. I feel like I won't get as attached as I should to this generation's starter or that the party space should be used by one of the new Pokemon. Though of course the option to just keep it in the PC until the end...