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  1. S

    Error: Whiscash HP-55

    The energy cost of this card's attack "Earthquake" should be CCF, not CCG.
  2. S

    Wi-Fi Trades Setherex's My Player Thread

    Welcome to Setherex's player thread! MY INFORMATION: My Friend Code: None AIM/MSN/Yahoo/whatever: None Contact Time: None MY HAVES/WANTS *I will be starting over my game in the Diamond and Pearl generation, leaving all my old Pokemon behind in RSEFRLG. POKEMON FOR...
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    What is the Best Series Ever?

    What is the best video game series ever? You may have one decision, but are you right? This is a large poll of the most popular video game series ever. You may vote on whatever you think is the best, and a new poll will be held every week (time pending), going on a whole bracket system...
  4. S

    Brainwave Deck List

    I was exploring the theme deck lists for some information on certain lists. I have been really frustrated to find that the deck for Brainwave isnt correct, and this apparently is the only online source that has full deck lists -.- The list shown is this website is: Pokémon (26) 2 Eevee...