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  1. Secret Pikachu


  2. Secret Pikachu

    EX/FA/SR, T/S/S, Collectibles, & More - Very Low Prices Accepted!!!

    Unfortunately I have sold this set. Unfortunately I sold the DRX holo set, Sigilyph, Altaria, Serperior, and Reuniclus.. I should still have a few Garchomp and PR Altaria if you're interested. Feel free to PM me! Unfortunately I have sold those two cards :(. I don't have any...
  3. Secret Pikachu

    EX/FA/SR, T/S/S, Collectibles, & More - Very Low Prices Accepted!!!

    Hey! Sure thing, I could drop it down to $10. Shipping would be $2.50 for a total of $12.50. How does that sound?
  4. Secret Pikachu

    WTB BULK RH/holo/rare/Legend - I pay shipping

    I have the following to sell you: 386 Reverse Holo cards @ $0.05 each = $19.30 119 Rare Holo cards @ $0.08 each = $9.52 Total = 507 cards for $28.82 Let me know, thanks!
  5. Secret Pikachu

    Great! How are you?

    Great! How are you?
  6. Secret Pikachu

    Just thought I'd say hello: Hello! :D

    Just thought I'd say hello: Hello! :D
  7. Secret Pikachu

    WTB BULK RH/holo/rare/Legend - I pay shipping

    Hello sir! I believe I have some bulk from the following two sections: Bulk of reverse holo for C/U/R (any set) (.05) Bulk Holo (.08) They would be from HGSS-on. Is that acceptable? Thanks!
  8. Secret Pikachu

    EX/FA/SR, T/S/S, Collectibles, & More - Very Low Prices Accepted!!!

    Hey! Unfortunately I don't have Mew EX anymore, but I could sell you the other three cards and give you a bit of a discount on the prices you have listed. My: Serperior 11$ Reuniclus 10$ Hydreigon DRX 6$ Your: $22 (instead of $27) and I will pay for shipping. Let me know...
  9. Secret Pikachu

    Please Close

    RE: WTB Darkrais, Hydreigons, and a Shaymin Hey Loser626! Could you do $9 shipped for two Hydreigon 97 from DRX? Send a PM my way!
  10. Secret Pikachu

    EX/FA/SR, T/S/S, Collectibles, & More - Very Low Prices Accepted!!!

    It is in Mint condition but unfortunately it is pending in another transaction at the moment. I will let you know if that transaction falls through! How does $11.50 shipped sound?
  11. Secret Pikachu

    EX/FA/SR, T/S/S, Collectibles, & More - Very Low Prices Accepted!!!

    They are all pack-fresh (in this case, box-fresh). Straight from the box to sleeves and top loaders. I'm not looking for a whole lot, feel free to make an offer. Shipping would probably be $2.50 (all cards in top loaders inside of a bubble mailer). Thanks!
  12. Secret Pikachu

    EX/FA/SR, T/S/S, Collectibles, & More - Very Low Prices Accepted!!!

    RE: UPDATED! TONS of EX/FA/SR, T/S/S, Collectibles, DRX Booster Box, and more! Alright, the Rayquaza SR is currently pending. Let's sell these cards folks! I will sell any card for a considerable amount less than their going rate. I want them all gone!
  13. Secret Pikachu

    EX/FA/SR, T/S/S, Collectibles, & More - Very Low Prices Accepted!!!

    RE: UPDATED! TONS of EX/FA/SR, T/S/S, Collectibles, DRX Booster Box, and more! The Rayquaza SR is pending at the moment, however the Serperior SR is still available. Could you do $11 shipped for the Serperior SR? EDIT: The Rayquaza SR is no longer pending, I would like to sell it for...
  14. Secret Pikachu

    ~~ Christopher Robin

    RE: Christopher Robin Rating: +1 Buyer/Seller/Trade: I sold; he bought. Communication: Amazing! He always responds to my PMs quickly and professionally. Description of Cards: N/A. Shipping: N/A. He sent payment as soon as the transaction was finalized. Overall: An amazing trader! One of the...
  15. Secret Pikachu

    EX/FA/SR, T/S/S, Collectibles, & More - Very Low Prices Accepted!!!

    RE: UPDATED! TONS of EX/FA/SR, T/S/S, Collectibles, DRX Booster Box, and more! Awesome! I have attached prices to the cards/items that you are interested in. Let me know what works for you!
  16. Secret Pikachu

    EX/FA/SR, T/S/S, Collectibles, & More - Very Low Prices Accepted!!!

    RE: UPDATED! TONS of EX/FA/SR, T/S/S, Collectibles, DRX Booster Box, and more! Hello! I would love to price them out for how, however, before I do that, I think you should take a look at the Trading Corner rules (if you haven't already) and request a reputation thread. Let me know when one...
  17. Secret Pikachu

    EX/FA/SR, T/S/S, Collectibles, & More - Very Low Prices Accepted!!!

    RE: UPDATED! TONS of EX/FA/SR, T/S/S, Collectibles, DRX Booster Box, and more! Awesome! Unfortunately the Rayquaza SR is pending in another transaction at the moment. I will let you know if it becomes available again.
  18. Secret Pikachu

    EX/FA/SR, T/S/S, Collectibles, & More - Very Low Prices Accepted!!!

    RE: UPDATED! TONS of EX/FA/SR, T/S/S, Collectibles, DRX Booster Box, and more! Updated as of 21/10/2012! I will be very reasonable when pricing these items, especially if it is a large transaction! I want to clear these items out! :D
  19. Secret Pikachu

    ~~ Christopher Robin

    RE: Christopher Robin Rating: +1 Buyer/Seller/Trade: I sold, he bought. Communication: Great! He responded to my PMs right away. Description of Cards: N/A. Shipping: Paid quickly! Overall: Great transaction! We've already finalized another.