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  1. M

    dailga's daimond?

    I never seemed to notice that either! you got a sharp eye there
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    Pokemon what would happen if pokemon were real?

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    the game room

    Ok. I guess i'll join.
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    Forum game yay or nay

    YAY! Ash and May's lips stuck(you get me).
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    May's Goodbye

    RE:  May's Goodbye Just gotta aggre with you.XD I hope she comes back or else i shall stab Hikari RIGHT in the heart! -_(\/) - B\/ May will come back,just wait.
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    New Voice Actors Discussion

    Ash sounds like,mashed potatoes. May sounds like,worst than my brother's female clone(Trust me,my brother litteraly KILLS the windows,and KILLS metal). Max is fine. Brock is,somewhat bad. All i'm asking for is for Veronica Taylor to return and voice Ash and May! What hickori...
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    Pokemon Likes/Hates

    likes: feraligator blastoise swampert 4th gen water stateer(forgot name) and my wild wild pokemon of imagination(all legendary) hate:crobat(hopeully my theet dont go buck) jynx(no one has to explain) wailord(....)
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    Pokemon Whats inside a pokeball

    ^stupidest thing,if i can calculate all episodes with pballs i might have an i dea of what's inside i might update time to time
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    who will marry ash v.2

    the other one was locked up due to non posting idiotics so i recreated it wih a poll! bon debatey!
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    Pokemon Another Stupid Moment

    the magikarp ep. is like proof that pokemon is meat!poor cumbusken,he didnt have his name as fried cumbusken in some ep. and it was called chiken pokemon meat would taste better than the yucky cow meat anyway
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    Fusion Pokemon

    a real baby alligator that got leafs planted on diaruga,parukia,and rayquaza
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    Electric soldier porygon

    WOW!i wasnt affected on part screen! no, the headache was cause i helped my bor on his VG too much and had laugh attacks on youtube so i dont care what ive been warned, i a super imune person and watching it full screen
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    Forum game (A or B?)

    pop college or university
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    Forum game (A or B?)

    POKEMON(^what a stupid question) deoxyriobonecular acid(DNA stupid) or riobonecular acid(RNA for dummies)?
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    Forum game (A or B?)

    thyranitAR bad brath or B.O.
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    Forum game (A or B?)

    m&ms laptop finger mouse or mouse
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    Forum game (A or B?)

    man it's hard.. both x or z
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    Ruling * pokemon

    does anyone have a list of star pokemon?my bro is attempting to kill me if i dont show him all * pokemon!
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    Fusion Pokemon

    shelled ditto with a pearl core inside it the regis
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    Pokemon Ugliest Pokemon

    crobat in XD makes dont wanna know