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  1. G

    I need your opponion on this please leave comments

    welcome to the U.S.A we need money here ant that bail cash you gave them ....well money in the bank as thay say they do not care any more about inocent till proven guilty. sad to say but we are going down and fast you hear more and more storys like this but all those storys add up in dead...
  2. G

    Trying to get a Girl to like You

    good luck bro it all in your head so lots of confedince if she say now blow it offmake it look like she just lost some wicked.
  3. G

    What are your thoughts about Halloween?

    most people around where i live ("get dr*** and smash pumpkins.")
  4. G

    loved one wants to inlist

    "you selfish jerk" that is what i would say. your gf is very very very smart. the army will pay 100% of your school. i am joining when i leave high school. they will pay for all your food and you will make $1200 a mounth and you may not get sent away from the u.s. you may just get sent to japan...
  5. G

    What "clique" do you fit into in school?

    i an a gamer but i am also a actor what ever you people call that but i am mostly looked at as a stoner and im ok with that very very few people like me but they do not make fun of me because my anger problem.
  6. G

    Strange things you have said/done when very tired or asleep

    :) early in the morning i woke up because my girlfriend kicked me in a painfull spot. then as i tryed to fall back asleep my phone rang. after telling who ever it was calling that "i sleep now bye." i put my phone in the trash. two days later my dad found my phone in the big trash can outside.
  7. G

    Fights in school.

    Fights are good my friend in beatrice was under a lot of stress he was loosing his mind. he was planing something realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly stupid. then befor he did something bad he met his main tormenter on the street. he let all of his pain and anger out (on the outher guys...
  8. G

    Fights in school.

    i am not a jock or geek the place people put me in is gamer or stoner. i dose not matter what social place you hold fights happen everywhere. i have had many fights i was brout up to think fighting was good. i am very smart but i can hold my own on the street. i prefer mental fights over the...
  9. G

    US President Barack Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize

    The Nobel Peace Prize is given for hard work over years to help our fellow people. yes i think oboma is a good man to lead our country and a very good speaker. The point is i gave a speech that said in a nutshell. "We the U.S.A do not hate islamic people we are fighting to stop radical political...
  10. G

    your name is chansey

    your name is chansey is an old card i have one now i thought this was a really rare card. but i would like to kno what you think so tell me what you know. if you want to trade or buy it i wil do buissness. thanks
  11. G


    yes i can help what do you have that i may need
  12. G

    Pokemon sucks for me good for you!!!!

    RE: sucks for me good for you! i would like the cash more but if you have a card i would like then we might make a deal.
  13. G

    Pokemon sucks for me good for you!!!!

    RE: sucks for me good for you! k only if you buy 2 or more.
  14. G

    Pokemon sucks for me good for you!!!!

    my grand parents have sent me wii points cards that have 2000 points on them each for my birthday and outher family things. They sell at wal-mart for 20$. My router broke last summer so i have 24 cards full points. So i sold my wii for car money but the cards im stuck with :( so i am selling...
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    lier promo Mewtwo was old but not bent maybe at the ends a lile and it was a guft not even part of deal. and my protection was first class shiping both ways that i paid for for your convenionce.
  16. G

    ~~ Muddy68

    RE: Muddy68 +1 thanks
  17. G

    BIGG DEAL!!!!!

    RE: BIGG DEAL! done thanks i still need a mespiret X
  18. G

    BIGG DEAL!!!!!

    RE: BIGG DEAL! magnezone lv.X -dragonite -mewtwo -groudon -regice -regirock for you muddy68
  19. G

    BIGG DEAL!!!!!

    RE: BIGG DEAL! Muddy68$ any of them i dont care witch for Phione and Cressy. fudgemonkey904 what do you want from the list above ?
  20. G


    GROWELY Jr. (United States) post trade reputation here.