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  1. M

    Custom or Unique Card Sleeves, counters and more

    I would buy regardless of being torny legal but I would like to see the product first.
  2. M

    Saturday, 9/30, ALL Pokemon, New Ep

    The line was huge I got one mew and gave up... but I cloned it later. I also got a ligit cloned deoxes and lots of new ID # which means I will win the lotto a lot more. I love gatherings when I met ranomd stupid kids who will trade anyhitng for my shiny pokemon. As for DP I hope that...
  3. M

    Monday, 8/14, New Pokemon, New Review, Updates

    The stage 2 one is fake becasue the shutter speed problem dose not cover the pokemon therefor they drew over the original image.... It is hard to explain but basicly camras can never get the right shutter speed to scyronise with any type of screen... so it makes lines in pictures and videos...
  4. M

    Thursday again, 8/10, Two New Pokemon Shadows

    arent they the starters evolutions? it looks like the fire and water staters evoultions.
  5. M

    Thursday again, 8/10, Two New Pokemon Shadows

    arent they the starters evolutions? it looks like the fire and water staters evoultions.
  6. M

    Thursday, 8/10, Worlds Stuff, Giovanni Japanese VA dies

    Some very good news but very sad news as well... I am a huge Team Rocket fan, but I respect the whatever chocie is made in Japan for the anime. In a way it is good DP is coming out there then they can move on to team galaxy if they want to. I am gonnig to miss the "ROCCKKKETOOODAN" yelled often...
  7. M

    Friday, 7/28, Card Review, Ranger Logo, TR Video

    That was lame... anyway... all walmarts are to far but ranger coming out 10 days after my b-day is a good thing lol...
  8. M

    Thursday, 7/20, Live from Comic-con!

    OMG I got there at 9:00pm and they woulod not let me pass with out a badge anyway I dressing up as the DP girl hope to see anyone there will PUSA be doing anything else? Did I miss everthing... WPM OMG we should meet up I will try to find you... Posting from random hotel where I am stying...
  9. M

    Wednesday, 7/12, Diamond and Pearl

    OMG they are so cool... I still can't decide ruller of time or ruller of space? which should I get. Doriapino is the only cool one I see right now... Dude WiFi play is gonna be tight... I can't wait tell september for Japan or America ::dies:: I am so used to october America realease...
  10. M

    Thursday, 6/7, Chat Room, Diamond and Pearl Boxart and Video

    WPM you totaly ruined the video thing you should not have told us now PUSA knows people are going to try to do it... and if that one person is there your screwed she be like hey it that guy who run pokebeach and said he was going to video tape... you already have the movie your best bet is just...
  11. M

    Thursday, 6/7, Chat Room, Diamond and Pearl Boxart and Video

    RE: Thursday, 6/7, Chat Room, Diamond and Pearl Boxart So excited I can't wait... those neew legendarys look tight but I got to stay true to my mewtwo..
  12. M

    Tuesday, 6/27, Furthest Ends Translations and Scans

    The Charziard is so cool... and all those EXs crazy the pre releases is going to be fun and confusing.
  13. M

    Friday, 6/9, Furthest Ends Scans, Lucario Poster, Card Reviews

    dude those cards are awsome... trys to read with crappy Nihongo readin skills...
  14. M

    Thursday, 5/11, First D/P Screenshots

    I hope there is night... and I don't care what you all say Mewtwo will kick any of the new legendaries butts... B_F: Sorry, no swearing =P
  15. M

    New! Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    SNNNNNAAAAAKKKKKEEEE... that was so awsome... hidding in the box... I hope that is his shiled... did any of you think those supper moves looked like fattiltys or like capcoms old power up specialty moves?
  16. M

    Thursday, 5/11, First D/P Screenshots

    OMG.... OMG.... :: Dies :: ok sorry but I am so excited... and my birthday is in the fall ::hint hint nudge nudge wink wink:: JK I am so pre-ordering the second they say it is out... I hope they do more tornys becasue now we will all be at the same level agian and I wont be ages behind...
  17. M

    Tuesday, 5/2, VA Commentary

    RE:  Tuesday, 5/2, VA Commentary OMG it wont work.... blah... thank you so much but now I need to figure out how to work it... someday I hope PUSA will be able to air episodes like this with out cutting them...
  18. M

    OFFICIAL Voice Actors Opinion Thread

    go Jesse's VA thats all I care about... James needs to be more femin though...
  19. M

    Tuesday, 5/2, VA Commentary

    RE: Tuesday, 5/1, VA Commentary Cartoon Network and WB is like the same company.... makes no sense to switch like that... anyway what they said about the episode was so unture for once I felt like I could watch pokemon and not fell like 7 year old nerd (no offense) I loved everthing abut the...
  20. M

    Ruling Giant Stump

    I think space center is going to beome very used soon becasue of Latias and Latios it stopes them from killing evoled poke bodies wich is important to me because I am playing NOPRIZEFORYOU deck with shednijas in it... only good thing about stumb is getting rid of your dead pokemon but if...