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  1. Sleeping Snorlax

    Help The "Is There A Card That Does This?" Thread

    In a XY-ON format, is there a card with an Ability that let's me switch pokemon or gives any pokemon free retreat? Not asking for items. I need either a pokemon Ability, stadium, or supporter. I know of fairy garden and I know of AZ.
  2. Sleeping Snorlax

    Trying to get back into competitive TCG!

    Trying to get back into competitive TCG!
  3. Sleeping Snorlax

    RMT Mono Water

    I can't remember exactly what happened but I think something came in with mold breaker and hit it with EQ and one shot my w rotom. I was shocked and caught completely off guar . @Chaos Jackal
  4. Sleeping Snorlax

    RMT Mono Water

    Is my build okay though on W rotom? I feel he's too weak defensively
  5. Sleeping Snorlax

    RMT Mono Water

    A friend of mine mentioned tentacruel. It's a good thought, but idk how I feel about switching ludi for him. Is the switch really worth it?
  6. Sleeping Snorlax

    RMT Mono Water

    Okay, so now that I have given my team some practices I would like to reach out to you all and find out what you think. My team is made up of all water type pokemon, because at the league I run I am the water gym leader. I chose to do normal Pokemon official VGC rules in the double format (bring...
  7. Sleeping Snorlax

    Mono Water

    @King Arceus if I did ludicolo it would probably be like this: Moves: fake out, Giga drain, Hydro pump, Protect Item: leftovers/Lum Berry Ability: Rain dish Evs: 104-HP 252-SpA 152-Spdef Do you have any input for gyarados?
  8. Sleeping Snorlax

    Mono Water

    @King Arceus thank you for clarifying that. Do you highly suggest ludicolo over blastoise?
  9. Sleeping Snorlax

    Mono Water

    @King Arceus -I wouldn't mind dropping superpower for protect. I was thinking swampert needed protect for survivability. -Ludicolo was my first option for the team, but with rain dish and make him tanky, but like I said in my previous Blastoise was pointed out to me as a good option with assault...
  10. Sleeping Snorlax

    Mono Water

    Yea Swampert having ice Punch was to combat any grass that threats the team. I was gonna use ludicolo but my friend said blastoise is a good option since he's tankier. I'm for sure replacing sharpedo just need to decide on what build for gyarados. I'd probably do Scald over surf for kingdra and...
  11. Sleeping Snorlax

    Mono Water

    Updated the post with more in depth descriptions.
  12. Sleeping Snorlax

    Mono Water

    Okay, so for my local Pokemon league, I've been given the role as the water gym leader. So, all Pokemon must be at least part water. I decided my gym will be doubles and the following is my team. Strategy kinda is based off what they have. My team has two megas to have the option of switching...
  13. Sleeping Snorlax

    Help Hidden Powers

    You explained it well scattered mind... that's just a lot of work, but would be worth it. I just want to clarify all I need is to get the squirtle to have IVs 31/xx/31/30/30/31? Attack can be any iv 0-31?
  14. Sleeping Snorlax

    Help Hidden Powers

    So I'm trying to breed a squirtle to have HP ground. The squirtle I'm using to breed is calm Nature with perfect IVS in everything but attack. His HP is dragon.. and I've bred him and the squirtles that hatch also have HP dragon. How does the whole HP attribute work? Any advice is welcomed.
  15. Sleeping Snorlax

    Chesgar (Chesnaught / Gengar)

    I'm going to list what I think you need then list your options for what you can take out. I feel decks that rely on Abilities need 2 megaphones. You need Basic enegeries because Aegislash will tried to be played and will shut you down for the most part. This deck could benefit off Dowsing...
  16. Sleeping Snorlax

    Donphan / Flygon / Dusknoir (BCR-On)

    In my opinion, Skyla is better than Korrina unless you're running pure fighting type decks. Skyla can get you ANY T/S/S while korrina can only get items. Sure Korrina can get a fighting pokemon but you only run 6. I'd also drop one Max Pot for a second Megaphone. Your deck is based soley around...
  17. Sleeping Snorlax

    Ruling Call for Family and Rare Candy

    Yes you may use rare candy on your next turn to evolve them. The reason is because they come in play as part of your attack so technically it's still part of your turn. Then your opponent may go and when it comes back to your turn the basic pokemon have now been in play for one full turn and may...
  18. Sleeping Snorlax

    Ruling Tropical Beach

    RE: ruleing and question for tropical beach Well tropical beach is really no different from Amy other promo card. You may run four. You can only play one at a time. And like any other stadium rules, you can't play a stadium to replace one if it is the same stadium.
  19. Sleeping Snorlax

    Ruling Question about playing cards without the "effect"

    You can't rely on things that happen on playtcg. You can only play a card if you can do the effect. It's really clear when the effect involves public knowledge. You just always have to do as much of the card effect as you can. But if the effect can obviously fail you may not play the card.
  20. Sleeping Snorlax

    Ruling Sudden Death Questions

    Since in sudden death you start with only one prize, shaymin ex can only do 30 damage. N still makes you draw only one because it says equal to the remaining prize cards which is one.