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  1. N

    Ditto from Fossil (#3)

    Ditto is so Ditto that Ditto can only comprehend Ditto which is all that is Ditto.
  2. N

    Ambipom G or Dragonite FB? (For Luxchomp)

    IDK, I like both really... I would lean towards Ambipomb since it can set up turn one and has a lower retreat as well as not being Garchomp bait itself.
  3. N

    Rampardos rogue city's Seniors

    RE: Rampardos rogue BR's Seniors I'm gonna have to agree Golden. If they start with Spiritomb, you're f'd. I would recommend a Regice tech, or a Donphan tech. Regice can switch tomb and Donphan is a Stage 1 that 1 hits Spiritomb. Thats just a thought though... I love Fossil Decks but they are...
  4. N

    My sister's Gyarados deck( Battle Roads Seniors)

    Blissey PT IS needed as it allows you to discard Magikarps. It also lets you discard trainers when fighting a PlumeTomb deck that runs Poltergeist. 20 may not be much, but it discards.
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    Assaultquen (Combee UD Enraged Assualt) Masters,Battle Roads

    I <3 the idea. Don't forget 1 Azelf, it can help out quite a bit as well. Have you though at all about teching 1 Dept. Store Girl or Porgon Z G? Pory can retrieve any Memory Berries in discard. It may also be good to tech 1 E-Belt, if you need to attack that turn and you can't do enough damage...
  6. N

    Jumpluff Lock (Seniors, Battle Roads)

    My 2 cents is to drop Torterra and lower the Vileplume line to 1-1-1 and drop Pichu.
  7. N

    Leafy-Fly Lock (Beautifly, Leafeon, Vileplume, BR, Masters)

    I have built the Miasma Wind Deck already, and it is supposed to be built similarly to an older deck: Flariados. I say take out all the Tombs, Plume and Beautifly. And add: 3 or 4 Sableye 2-2 or 3-3 Magmortor PT 4-3-1 Leafeon/ Leafeon Lv. X/ Umbreon (MD)/ maybe tech Espeon Prime for type...
  8. N

    BW/BW2 Starter Evolutions confirmation.

    I liked the final evos a lot, especially Tsutaaja's and Mijumaru's. I will totally find a way to get both on my game I love them so much. As I will get both Black and White in English when they are released. I is a happy panda! :3 Does anyone know if Emonga will have an evolution so it won't be...
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    Gliscor (what to run with it?)

    The fact that it's a flip means you aren't wasting the Paralysis, it becomes a buffer for a second flip.
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    ditto hs triampant disruption card

    I can see it paired maybe with Hunter? Lay down Ditto, Hunter back up for later? It's not really good, but it disrupts... sorta... not really...
  11. N

    Salamence Lv X ideas?

    How about this set up: 3-2-3-1 Salamence (2 SF, 1 Arceus) 2-2 Ninetales HGSS 2-2 Delcatty 2-1 Uxie 1 Azelf How I see this is that instead of Typhlosion in the Fire engine you would use a combination of the Ninetales and Delcatty, and having Salamence be more self- sufficient. You use Delcatty's...
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    The First Funny Card Joke Posted...

    That was the point... Trapinch and Paris Hilton have so much in common...
  13. N

    The Most Embarasing Thing Ever

    Place: High School A pep assembly was called for this morning so everyone went to the Gym. They announced a "special slideshow" so the lights went out. All was well for the first half then... a picture of me in my Pokemon Worlds 2005 shirt went up on the projector for the whole school to see...
  14. N

    TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

    RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update: Johto invasion! Wow. I'd like to see a Suicune... I want to make something like that...
  15. N

    Help with Fast Flygon please

    I'm in support of Ninetales draw power. I would play with Spiritomb to lock the first turns while evolving Vulpix and Trapinch. With this setup, ERL becomes playable in the deck with just a few electric energies as well, and making Manectric usable as Bench sheilds.
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    Gengar Prime Discussion

    RE: How much impact will Gengar Prime ACTUALLY have? I am skeptical about Gengar Prime being very good too. I mean, Spiritomb starts are going to be more prominent, and Gengar pretty much needs the trainers. Dialga G Lv. X can shut down the body and if you are going to talk about the Level Down...
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    The First Funny Card Joke Posted...

    UGHH! It didn't work... Can someone please tell me how to put a picture from your computer directly into the post... I is dumb...
  18. N

    The First Funny Card Joke Posted...

    I hope this works... Well, this is the best I can do... :( CMP edit: fixed the IMG tags for you. Should be working.
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    Do you collect anything related to your favourite Pokemon?

    I collect the beasts too, especially Suicune. I have all the English cards and I really want the Rocket's Entei, Suicune and Raikou that came out in an old set, and the new Shiny Beast sets too, but I have no monies. :( I collect them on my game, I have all three shiny non-event in Pokeballs...