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  1. M

    BW: Forgotten Beings - Zekrom! Is here! Yeah! Come on!

    RE: BW: Forgotten Beings - Added Enbuoo! Updated Pokabu, Tsutarja line up too, + Chaobu! Very nice! Can't wait for more!
  2. M

    (1) September's 'CoroCoro' Scans Apparently Leaking [9/10]

    Oh, I wanted 15 more pages of Pokemon...
  3. M

    DPPt/HGSS Legitimately caught, then cloned, shinies: Whismur, Rayquaza, FeebasLv20/MiloticLv21

    I've got a lot of shiny legends, including a shaymin?
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    (1) September's 'CoroCoro' Scans Apparently Leaking [9/10]

    Does anyone know if its just black and white pages in the mag, or is there other stuff? Other franchises, that is.
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    (1) September's 'CoroCoro' Scans Apparently Leaking [9/10]

    Yeah, Denchura is awesome. Hes gonna be in my team for the E4.
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    (1) September's 'CoroCoro' Scans Apparently Leaking [9/10]

    Hehehe, my logic wins again. Still, it is kinda odd. There's no crease line or anything - has it been edited? That Mushroom will play a similar role to Voltorb and Electrode in terms of Pokeballs, I reckon.
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    (1) September's 'CoroCoro' Scans Apparently Leaking [9/10]

    Look, I'm going to leave you to rant away, whatever the outcome. I really don't care what your opinion is, why would the person upload REAL scans as well as fake ones? VulcanFlame - Its a bison. Respect my Canadian heritage ;)
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    (1) September's 'CoroCoro' Scans Apparently Leaking [9/10]

    Ever heard of something called a printing error? Or is Reshiram's nose deliberate and cunning way to communicate to an underground drug syndicate?
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    (1) September's 'CoroCoro' Scans Apparently Leaking [9/10]

    For goodness sake's, you people just cannot accept somethings. Even when the games are out, you'll be telling us the starter evos are fake. It has been confirmed in so many ways. Personally, I'm loving the artwork, whether or not the page is real.
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    (1) September's 'CoroCoro' Scans Apparently Leaking [9/10]

    Um, it doesn't really matter that we've got the fire/fighting combo 3 times in a row, as each pokemon is unique. Okay, maybe a bit of variety would be nice, but it's not 'lame'. I wonder whether the final evos will be in this issue. It would be nice to see the full sugimori art, especially for...
  11. M

    (1) September's 'CoroCoro' Scans Apparently Leaking [9/10]

    God, there's nothing wrong with fire/fighting.
  12. M

    DPPt/HGSS Legitimately caught, then cloned, shinies: Whismur, Rayquaza, FeebasLv20/MiloticLv21

    I would like shiny whismur, I'd like to offer my shiny adamant rayquaza, with 31 ivs in attack. It is ut.
  13. M

    Too much losing these day....

    RE: Too much losing these day.... Ash deserves it. That's all I can say.
  14. M

    Wi-Fi Trades tpf's Trade Thread

    RE: tpf's trading thread I'd like shiny lickitung. Would you swap for my shiny adamant rayquaza with perfect/near perfect ivs in attack? UT of course.
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    Writing Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Really good. I enjoyed this story.
  16. M

    DPPt/HGSS Shines or Events

    I really like Pokemon that rarely seem to be released as events. The way a Pokemon is shiny appeals to me, but I totally understand why some people prefer events. In answer to the earlier post, 'anyone' cannot get events. I live no where near any event place, and you can trade just as easily...
  17. M

    BW/BW2 xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/08/11. Have 500+ events coming soon from DJ's giv

    RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/09/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!. Thanks! Do you have a shiny mudkip and bulbasaur that I could clone too? If thats ok. Otherwise I'd like to clone these Pokemonn(same as above) +charmander. Thanks.
  18. M

    DPPt/HGSS Shines or Events

    Which do you prefer, shinies or event Pokemon? I prefer shinies. Event Pokemon just don't seem that exciting to be honest, to me at least. Do you like shinies? Do you use them for showing off in battles, or (like me) keep them shining away in their boxes? Discuss!
  19. M

    BW/BW2 xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/08/11. Have 500+ events coming soon from DJ's giv

    RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 08/30/10 I HAVE WORLDS CROBAT 100% LEGIT!!. Is the action replay giveaway still going on? If so, can I please clone shiny turtwig, torchic, piplup and squirtle?
  20. M

    Ulysses's Fake Card Shop (NEW: Kuitaran)

    RE: Ulysses's Fake Card Shop I just saw this is for requests - could you make me a kyogre star please? I know some nice artwork out there. I could supply you with the attacks too if you wanted!