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  1. S

    (1) Serebii vs. WPM, Pokemon Platinum (Original Thread) [5/10]

    Where exactly have I threatened anyone in this thread hmm? Methinks you need a dictionary. And I am leaving, do not worry
  2. S

    (1) Serebii vs. WPM, Pokemon Platinum (Original Thread) [5/10]

    I'm not. I said the stuff about the large scan because I know people like Light Venusaur will claim I faked things and stole from WPM even if I posted it a year before It's not bragging, its called preventing idocy
  3. S

    (1) Serebii vs. WPM, Pokemon Platinum (Original Thread) [5/10]

    He's the one continuing things. Notice I'm not responding to his post as it'll just continue the point-counterpoint. For god's sake get a clue and pay attention[hr] WILL YOU ACTUALLY READ WHAT I SAY I NEVER SAID HE DID. I NEVER WOULD SAY HE DID LEARN.TO.READ
  4. S

    (1) Serebii vs. WPM, Pokemon Platinum (Original Thread) [5/10]

    For the record btw, the big csan is up on SPP now so dont go jumping that I've stolen it from WPM when he hasnt posted it yet ¬¬
  5. S

    (1) Serebii vs. WPM, Pokemon Platinum (Original Thread) [5/10]

    What info would that be? What are you actually on about My timestamps are accurate. Even WPM admits that. Quit clutching at straws Tell him to shut up as well as he's continuing things. Jeez...I never said he stole the scan or anything...unlike some of the people here I have more sense...
  6. S

    (1) Serebii vs. WPM, Pokemon Platinum (Original Thread) [5/10]

    For the record what hes posting is the HQ form of the scan which I just got aswell from some japanese imageboards so dont accuse me of stealing when I post it ¬¬
  7. S

    (1) Serebii vs. WPM, Pokemon Platinum (Original Thread) [5/10]

    There are posts on forums in reference to that pic, both of the posting on the site and of it in general that match my time
  8. S

    (1) Serebii vs. WPM, Pokemon Platinum (Original Thread) [5/10]

    Erm, do the time zone calculations 2:45pm BST is 06:45am PDT
  9. S

    (1) Serebii vs. WPM, Pokemon Platinum (Original Thread) [5/10]

    The screenshots didnt show up. What is the picture so I can tell you whats going on If its the Platinum scan then thats the same scan thats been doing the rounds so of course it'll be the exact same picture (and I posted it first so it wouldn't be me stealing would it)
  10. S

    (1) Serebii vs. WPM, Pokemon Platinum (Original Thread) [5/10]

    Its almost always me who approached you...I'm pretty sure you did only once And no, dont type it up. Your members are asking you to sto;. I can't be bothered with this constant back and forth. You believe you're right, I believe I'm right. We'll both continue point counter-point until the...
  11. S

    (1) Serebii vs. WPM, Pokemon Platinum (Original Thread) [5/10]

    Oh you give me an ultimatum but not WPM when he's being the antagonist again. I left and dropped the matter but he brought it back with further accusations... Hardly fair, especially since if I had left it he would havej ust gone on sayign he was right and I was "running from the truth" He...
  12. S

    (1) Serebii vs. WPM, Pokemon Platinum (Original Thread) [5/10]

    RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10] Ok, we can go toe to toe like this for a while. I know whats true, you believe yourself...that will never change, no matter what I say. However, I do have a few points to make You say that yet you're so quick to jump on me for "stealing" when I haven't...
  13. S

    (1) Serebii vs. WPM, Pokemon Platinum (Original Thread) [5/10]

    RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10] WPM, I will not be goded into another fight with you. As that is what you are obviously trying to do (and as such since this post is actually going to be civil, I will save it like the others as you will inevitibly delete it, just like most of the others that...
  14. S

    (1) Serebii vs. WPM, Pokemon Platinum (Original Thread) [5/10]

    RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10] Na, I know he'll remove it due to it diverting the topic, and ban this account no less as I am evading a ban in order to do this, but I figured it would be best for you to hear from both sides as here it is usually one sided. I agree it is pointless, I...
  15. S

    (1) Serebii vs. WPM, Pokemon Platinum (Original Thread) [5/10]

    RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10] Seifer, thats because he has deleted a considerable amount of this thread. Several of us at BMG have got it saved as we knew this was going to happen. He always does it. It is just a personal thing. I hate people being hypocritical, and I hate people lying...
  16. S

    (1) Serebii vs. WPM, Pokemon Platinum (Original Thread) [5/10]

    RE: (1) Pokemon Platinum [5/10] Seifer, this isn't what this is about. I don't care who gets stuff first...I truely don't. What matters is WPM's attitude. He constantly accuses me of stealing (without a shred of evidence I might add) and yet there have been many times I've suspected him of...
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    I did take it down, I then got hate mail from a ghostly person here who shall remain nameless and I figured that people need to know both sides
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    Where are you people getting that I'm not trying to sort things. Are my posts not visible or something? I CAME HERE TO SORT THINGS. GOOD GOD you people are dense at times ¬¬
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    Are my posts like invisible...I came here to offer the olive branch Good christ
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    I've already tried