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  1. G

    PkB's SellMart! [H} Gengar Prime Luxray X x2 AND Uxie X all for VERY CHEAP!!!!! COL PACKS+BOX FOR CH

    RE: PkB's SellMart! [H} Gengar Prime Luxray X x2 AND Uxie X all for VERY CHEAP!!!!! L@@K!!!! how much for luxray gl lv.x?
  2. G

    Ruling skuntank g

    hi about skuntank g's pokepower, if my opponent plays bts, can i still posion him using his bts?
  3. G

    What deck is best used against gyrados?

    Hi everyone, I'm going to form another deck, for using against water pokemons, manly gyrados. any idea which deck should i form except luxchomp? thanks