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  1. S

    I'm a Bit Confused About the Upcoming Rotation?

    So, right now, the most legal set is from Next Destinies and on, right? But I've been hearing stuff about Black and White being legal in a NEW format starting sometime next year. Can someone explain what this is all about, exactly? Will it be the new "standard" format that is played in...
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    Why aren't anyone else getting their own Legend cards?

    Besides Lugia and Ho-Oh, everyone is sharing a Legend card. I was hoping for Rayquaza and Deoxys Legend.
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    Anyone else want a slower-paced gameplay after rotation?

    I just recently started playing again, and competitively and I feel that everything has sped up tenfold. I stopped playing during the release of Aquapolis/Skyridge. With Broken Time-Space, massive drawing power, great specific card searchers, decks with very little Energy requirements, SP...
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    Ruling Lugia Legend and Rainbow Energy.

    Just to make sure, you DO NOT put a damage counter on Lugia Legend with Rainbow Energy when attached with Ocean Grow, is that correct? It specifically states on Rainbow Energy that when you attach Rainbow Energy from your hand, that you put a damage counter on it. Since it is not coming from...
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    What the crap at no Defender and Legend Box in HSU.

    Seriously. This gets on my nerves hardcore. Pretty dumb if you ask me. I thought that Legend Box and the Stadium Cards made up Revived Legends. We instead get a ton of drawing ability Supporters and a lot of similar cards from not-so-long ago sets. Ninetails, Torterra, Mismaguis, and...
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    What does it take to get to POP's mailing list?

    And start receiving their promo cards? I'm gonna be going to a tournament for the first time, but it's not going to count for any points since it's for HS-Unleashed Preprelease tournament. I might go to a few leagues here and there, but I'm only going to start going to bigger tournaments...
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    What is the best Card Binder Sleeves?

    What is the best 9-sleeve card holders for binders? I bought Card Guard, 30 for $5.00 and I'm not liking them too much. Those were the only ones I found when I was at target. They are a bit thick and wrinkly and they don't seem very clear compared to others. Their structure is also uneven...
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    What is more rare, 1st Ed. Shadowless or Unlimited Shadowless?

    1st. Edition Shadowless is obviously the more sought after, but what is more rare? I heard that Unlimited Shadowless is more rare because it was printed for a shorter amount of time than 1st Ed. Shadowless. I kind of want to get a Charizard, but I don't know if I should go for a 1st. Ed...
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    Do sleeved cards still get scratches?

    If you play with them? We all know that they get brutally scratched when played without sleeves, but do sleeved cards still get scratches? I remember playing Yu-Gi-Oh and I don't even think that it really scratched any of my cards, but from what I can tell, Pokemon cards are definitely much...
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    HGSS Clefairy is the same as Erika's Clefairy.

    Not by a 100%, but they're almost identical to one another. HGSS Clefairy is obviously better, but that's expected as how today's cards are. I hope they don't just start remaking cards with minor changes. I'd rather have complete "retro cards" (i.e. Scyther). Any other cards in the same...
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    What is the most expensive/rarest Pokemon card?

    I've seen a few sites selling Japanese Happy Birthday Pikachu, prices range from about $90-$130. Is there only one "kind"(like in one set) of this card? I'm so tempted to buy it. >_>
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    Ruling About Quick Ball and SSUing a Legend.

    With Quick Ball, can I just reveal any card from my deck? Does it have to start from the top to the way down, because it is not stated? It says "Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Pokemon..." Example, would I be able to use Underground Expedition, leave a card in the very...
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    Where can I buy booster boxes and few other things?

    I need a lot of you guys' opinions and input on some of these.. I would like to buy a Booster Box, maybe SSHG, but probably not as I have already bought a few of those. Just a few questions about booster boxes. How much are you averagely saving by buying those? The new ones run for about...
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    What is the "best" set?

    I'm planning on buying quite a few packs today at WalMart, maybe like 10? By "best", I mean value-wise and something that I can easily build a deck out of. So I would say some good Trainers or some Special Energy cards as well. Also, does anyone know where I can get the last Neo set? I...
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    Ruling Newbie at TCG..kinda.

    I've been playing since Base Set and stopped before the 3rd Generation Pokemon hit. Aquapolis was probably one of my lasts cards, until recently. A few of my friends bought a few decks and packs and we've been playing, I have a lot of questions.. And I could not find a place where it states any...