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  1. drewdwn

    Ruling Ex Rulings

    Im sure this is somewhere but Ive been gone a while, and cannot find it. New EX cards do they count towards the "4" limit of a pokemon? Such as Zekrom EX and Zekrom? IE Can I have 3 Zekrom and 2 Zekrom EX in the same deck? Thanks for the help
  2. drewdwn

    Lucky .38 (Palkia GL/Lucario)

    Lots of Scizor Primes seem to be running about. Thoughts on how to counter it?
  3. drewdwn

    Vilegar Build - Top Cut @ Oconomowoc States

    There is no doubt, I will be testing out your Espeon idea in a few decks im working on. Looks tasty!
  4. drewdwn

    Lostgar for Nationals,Senior

    Find a spot for 2-3 VS Seekers to get back a much needed Twins, or Seeker. Maybe drop Life Herbs and Premier Ball. Also, I advise trying to work in some type of counter or idea for Tyranitar and Umbreon. Good luck!
  5. drewdwn

    Ruling Regi Move Questions

    So Regi move only works if the defending pokemon isnt an evolved pokemon right? Can this PokePower fail and still discard?
  6. drewdwn

    FF08 Sales: extremely rare japenese eeveeluton stars

    RE: 35 MEW PRIMES!! GET IT WHILE THEY,RE STILL HERE!! Hey there. It can be hard to make an offer on used sleeves without knowing more details like how many are still perfect or close to worn out etc. But im thinking $3.50 on the triumphant ones shipped. Lmk!
  7. drewdwn

    LostGar (Gengar Prime, Curse Gengar, and Gengar Lv.X)

    Supergamerfreak. Your point about BTS also applies to your opponent though. I see where it can help, yes. But it can backfire as well. Especially after you use it to get out one Gengar and hurl. Then BTS is out, and your opponent can set up easier. Its 50/50 either way. I had two in my...
  8. drewdwn

    Eentei-Raikou, Rayquaza-Deoxys legends deck

    Ive never really worked too hard on putting a leged deck together. But here is one thing im noticing. Possible set up ********** Smeargle (active)********** (bench) Typhlosion Ninetales Uxie Azelf Bronzong And if you do have a legend...
  9. drewdwn

    LostGar (Gengar Prime, Curse Gengar, and Gengar Lv.X)

    Where to begin! You are going to need some type of identity for this deck. It sounds like you want to use curse gar, and I understand why. He's cool. So if you want to better the deck for Curse Gar, lets make some changes there. Unfortunately, Mew Prime doesnt really have business being...
  10. drewdwn

    ~~ Mudkip711

    RE: Mudkip Solid Trade, +1
  11. drewdwn

    Arceus All kinds (for any)

    Ive dabbled here and there with Arceus. One thing that jumps out at me right away is your 4 Plus Powers. Although they are fun, the point of your deck is to hit for weakness every turn after ripple. Plus Powers will not make much difference there. There is also a glaring weakness in your...
  12. drewdwn

    lostlock! states, senior.

    Its likely that Flygon Lv X wont be making a huge wave at states or Reg's because Lv X's are becomming more few and further between. But, Almost every single deck that runs Gengar will run Gengar Lv X to counter a Flygon Lv X (saw one at last years states) or DGX (will see this in A LOT of good...
  13. drewdwn

    lostlock! states, senior.

    I honestly like everything about your list. But I think a few changes could help recovery and set up. Here is what I would consider -3 POV -1 Seeker -3 Pokemon Communication -2 Spiritomb AR +2 Twins +3 Pokemon Rescue +1 Gengar Prime +1 Unown Q +2 Smeargle UD Call me crazy, but...
  14. drewdwn

    wash out (Blastoise/Floatzel) (seniors,states)

    I actually completely agree. It was a total afterthought with the maybe an Ebelt part. PLUS I completely overlooked the lack of DCE. Its a staple in this deck.
  15. drewdwn

    wash out (Blastoise/Floatzel) (seniors,states)

    Ive played this and found that you will be more tempted to snipe off benchies for easy prizes. Crobat G never helped me do much of that, but if you like it, as I do, then keep it in there for sure. But I'd find a spot for some Seekers and a Level Max. Maybe.. -1 Uxie -1 Bebe's -2...
  16. drewdwn

    DuskGarBat (MD)

    Captoats - lets answer these questions here that you have. Lost World gives you a secondary way of winning. So many decks will be built using lost world as its only method of winning. For you, it will be a bonus. How will this work? Well, both Gengar Prime and Giratina both have powers...
  17. drewdwn

    DuskGarBat (MD)

    Ok where do I start here. Ive played Gengar spread decks in every tourney last year and did quite well. Although I will not reveal my builds or what I use, I will help you as much as I can here. First you must do a few things. Pick two of your lines, tops, and build them. From the look of...
  18. drewdwn

    Charizard Help.

    This is what I would try... -1 Bebe's -1 Communication -1 Palmer's -1 Uxie -1 Belt or a second communication +3 Fire +2 IQ Up your energy line to 15 and I think you will see a ton more draw power. The 10 damage from Uxie makes a difference when its calculated more than once, and...
  19. drewdwn

    Vilegar (Senior,Any)

    You deck could be powerful. The problem is, with your lineup you are going to need near perfect starts to get it to work. There is much more to this than just getting a tomb and collector out. Trust me! I wont tell you what to cut. But I will tell you what to add. Play test your deck and...
  20. drewdwn

    Ruling Gengar Prime Pokebody

    So if I knock out a stage 2 pokemon, does the stage 1 and basic go into the lost zone as well? Same question with Lv.X Pokemon also. Thanks!