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  1. L

    mew and mewtwo

    one day in a land far far away there was a place were people could be together so mew and mewtwo got married and they loved each other. they had pokebabies and named them pikachu charmander and bulbasaur(squirtle was adopted=[) PEX FLOWING IN THE WIND, OUR HERO, MEWTWO, ASSAULTED THE ENEMY...
  2. L

    #5: Is the war in Iraq justified?

    yes because without war there isnt peace. the fear is what fears u. if u fear the fear then it fears you
  3. L

    My Pokemon Impressions lol

    cool vid dood id want you there for my next birthday, pm me and we can discuss it
  4. L

    Pokemon 5th Generation Confirmed?

    yea actually this one kid at school was telling me that his uncel created pokemon and how they already have allt eh way to generation18 planned out !!!!!
  5. L

    What is the worst thing you have ever done?

    this one time i stol from the homeless i feel bad but it doesnt matter becasue it doesnt
  6. L

    3rd Paramore album?

    best band ever . period.
  7. L

    2012? What do you think? Is it true?

    of course its true one time i was talking to my mom and she said so so we are because thats when it is gonna happen so it is thats how it happens in the real world when it happens and makes it true
  8. L

    #10: What is art?

    like prtetty pictures like green trees and wallabees.
  9. L

    #9: Obesity
