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  1. P

    COME CHECK IT OUT. H: UXIE LV X!! W: stuff I like

    I'm from the US. RULES: 1. Don't rip me off, I wont do it either. 2. I can only trade within the US for now. 3. I don't trade for cards not in English, or ones that are fake or world championships cards. 4. If you are going to trade me a card that's in bad condition, tell me ahead of time...
  2. P

    Ruling gengar AR vs gengar prime

    I have a question regarding these 2 cards. If I were to use the gengar with the attack shadow skip and KO a pokemon, then switch to gengar prime from the lost link mini set who's pokebody states: Poke-Body: Catastrophe As long as this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon, if an opponent’s Pokemon...
  3. P

    What's the most PRO Move You've EVER MADE.

    This can be in the TCG or in the DS game. You should tell what deck you were playing and at least hint at what you were playing against so we can get a better idea of the situation you were in. I'll start it off: I was playing luxchomp. At US Nats I bright looked a palkia lock players...
  4. P

    ProfessorJ's Sprite Gallery! Taking Requests ~ Updates

    I'm really into doing fusions of pokemon, but I just started, and IDK if I'm that good at it yet. That's why I posted it here for all of you to see! I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I enjoyed making them! please post! FUSIONS: NEW Zubat+Golbat+Crobat = contest entry...
  5. P

    Ruling Once During Your Turn...

    Ok, my newest question is about pokepowers. Some pokemon have powers the start off as, Once during your turn you may use this power. EX: claydol GE's Cosmic Power pokepower. if i have Broken Time-Space stadium in play, and i used a super scoop up on my claydol, then set it back down and...
  6. P

    Ruling Gengar Fainting Spell

    ok, heres my question, but it starts with a scenario. my opponent and I are down to our last prize card each, and they knock out my gengar with some attack that activates fainting spell pokepower. I flip a coin and get heads, knocking them out as well, so we both take our last prize card. who...