Search results

  1. Binx345

    Trades & Sales (US Only) I have four Lurantis-GX. Trade me.

    Binx HAS: Florges Break (both of mine appear to be correct version) BW - 1. snivy BW- 4 servine BW- 17 pignite BW- 30 dewott SM - 2 x passimian BINX Wants P Clash - FA Kyogre EX AO- Kyurem EX Raichu Break FA Machamp EX Togekiss EX Golduck Break FA lurantis GX Lurantis GX BPoint - Darkrai EX...
  2. Binx345

    Trades [USA] lttatter's Trades Updated with GX!

    Hey so here are my lists. Binx wants: Generations- holo Diancie Gumshoos GX to know what XY vivillons (colors) you have BINX Has: Evolutions- holo rare Ninetales SM- rev golbat SM - rev morelull sm- rev pyukumuku sm- rev yungoos sm - rev raticate sm- rev granbull sm- rev brionne evo- rev...
  3. Binx345

    Trades [USA] lttatter's Trades Updated with GX!

    Hi I want your Golem EX Generations - Holo Diancie I have lots of your reverse holo wants Evolutions- Holo Ninetales I will check on the revs and get back to you soon.
  4. Binx345

    Trades & Sales (US Only) I have four Lurantis-GX. Trade me.

    Hey I have a Florges Break for trade. But what is the error?
  5. Binx345

    Trades [AT-WW] Breakers Trading Thread

    Hi are you cards in English? If so I am interesed in Skyridge Holo Vaporeon, scizor EX, FA M Scizor EX, Ho-oh EX and FA Darkrai EX
  6. Binx345

    Trades [US Only] W: Bulk W: Metagame H: EX, FA Supporters, TSS, Packs, & Tons of ex/Lv X/Prime/Stars

    How many points each for these? 1 pack of Flashfire Umbreon * Entei * Latios * Latias * Shiny VS seeker Shiny Switch
  7. Binx345

    In Search Of NA - Online TCG Codes PKM

    Can you list your EX/FA/etc and how many code cards you would want for each?
  8. Binx345

    Trades [US-CAN] LF: Base Set Cards/EX/Arceus Sub-Set/McDonalds 2015 - UFT: Lots of EXs RA & FA/Promos/etc.

    Hey perhaps we can work out some sort of trade. BINX HAS Base- U Arcanine (Japanese, English, Base 2) Base- shadowless diglett nonmint Base- Starmie U Jungle - R Electrode Fossil - Horsea Fossil - R Raichu Mcdonalds 2015 Treecko Furious Fists- reverse U Dedenne Phantom Forces- reverse U Dedenne...
  9. Binx345

    In Search Of NA - Online TCG Codes PKM

    Hey I have a lot of code cards unused. Do you have any Pokemon cards or packs to trade?
  10. Binx345

    Marketplace Reputation Thread - All Reputations Go Here

    Username of other trader: Bonus41 Positive/Negative/Neutral: positive Details of your experience: great trader, thanks so much
  11. Binx345

    Sales (US Only) Celty's Whatevers

    Hey I have internet again - woo! I could trade my pin for your promo Gyarados EX from the recent tin.
  12. Binx345

    In Search Of [CANADA-WW] Syko's Shop, Buying ALOT

    Which Zoroark and Aromatisse do you need?
  13. Binx345

    Trades & Sales [CANADA-WW] Bonus41's Thrifty Shop Stop

    Sure that works! PM me for address exchange.
  14. Binx345

    In Search Of [UK] Pikachu TCG or Plush

    Please clarify what you mean?
  15. Binx345

    Sales (US Only) Celty's Whatevers

    Do you have any low value EX cards (even promos) or maybe a promo Mcdonalds 2015 weedle or promo Pangoro (roaring skies 3pack)?
  16. Binx345

    In Search Of [UK] Pikachu TCG or Plush

    I am from US. These cards can all be found on google, let me know if there is a certain one that you can not find or something.
  17. Binx345

    Sales (US Only) Celty's Whatevers

    Do you have any extra pins to trade?
  18. Binx345

    Trades [US Only] H: Secret Gyrados, FA Scizor W: Raichu Bats

    Hey perhaps we can work a trade. BINX HAS many code cards unused 1 super rod 1 float stone 1 muscle band 4 ultra ball BINX WANTS FA 123 Gyarados EX FA Scizor EX BP - Palkia EX Raticate Break
  19. Binx345

    In Search Of [UK] Pikachu TCG or Plush

    I have these available at the moment: Tomy 1997/1998 figure - fat Pikachu (some slight scuff marks) Fates Collide C Pikachu Topps 1998 Mewtwo Vs Mew - card - pikachu getting chased by Mewtwo's ball Topps 1998 Mewtwo Vs Mew - card- Pikachu shaking hands with Snubbull (Vacation mini movie)...