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  1. Frylock

    Gotta love noobs

    Lol SOTG won't win you games skill will.
  2. Frylock

    Gotta love noobs

    If they were pro then they would know.
  3. Frylock

    Gotta love noobs

    Its their fault for being stupid. End thread/
  4. Frylock

    Gotta love noobs

    I'm not gonna travel across the country to give a bunch of noobs a ride on the noob school bus you know and take them to school. Team Twilight is gonna pwn up Cali in Masters and Seniors so all you noobs watch out.States is just gonna be warm up for the yugioh regional the next week where were...
  5. Frylock

    Gotta love noobs

    Hell no they should pay me if they want help.I was never a noob at this game because I guess I'm just that awesome.My team rips noobs all the time thats how we all have the stuff to make every tier 1 deck and we spent barley any money.Last week my friend picked up 2 uxie la for $3 each.
  6. Frylock

    Gotta love noobs

    SOTG is for scrubs like you. This is exactly what I do I ask what they want and then I trade them for metagame stuff.I trade if its a good deal not if I want it thats how I have gotten busted trade without spend any money.
  7. Frylock

    Gotta love noobs

    were the pixies lv.xs?
  8. Frylock

    Gotta love noobs

    Yeah I generally rip off people older than 12 thats what makes it so epic.[hr] I was saying if people terrible traders only way they will learn most of the time is by getting ripped off.Comparing an unfair trade to robbery to try and prove your point just makes you look like a ass GTFO my thread.
  9. Frylock

    Gotta love noobs

    On Moday the noob made this to offer to me and I took it my Roserade sf Toxicroak md his Regigigas lv.x from the set
  10. Frylock

    Gotta love noobs

    Hey lots of times the make the first offer I would have to be a noob not to say yes.
  11. Frylock

    Gotta love noobs

    Nice man. If people aren't ripped off because people like you butt in and stop it they will never learn and will keep getting ripped off its one of those things you have to learn the hard way like I did when it came to watching my stuff.
  12. Frylock

    Gotta love noobs

    So Monday at league this regular group of scrubs was there and long story short I traded a Roserade sf and a Toxicroak md for a Regigigas lv.x from the set.So has anyone else ever ripped any noobs and if you did what was the trade?
  13. Frylock

    Garchomp coming back?

    Was it ever here? I mean it was like tier 3.
  14. Frylock

    Official States Discussion Thread

    Its too slow for the metagame.
  15. Frylock

    Please Close

    RE: Uxie LA Why not trade 2 RH?
  16. Frylock

    Who's Getting Street Fighter 4?

    Maybe.Online is gonna be a million times better on 360.
  17. Frylock

    LA box

    This. Just buy singles of what you need from LA.
  18. Frylock

    Please Close

    RE: Uxie LA Thats what pretty much everyone dose.
  19. Frylock

    Official States Discussion Thread

    I proxyed out bedrill with tst last night and it dose pretty well.
  20. Frylock

    american vs japan
