Search results

  1. McKendra9123

    Strategy Catching a Bruxish in Ultra Sun & Moon

    Hey everyone. So I'm helping a friend of mine catch a Bruxish so he can get a Razor Claw in his Ultra game. So I need to know any tips that might help, such as time of day/night, if I should battle another PoKémon then use the Adrenaline Orb, etc. Will be deleting this post after I help my...
  2. McKendra9123

    Fun Most Prized PoKé-Items of Your Personal Collection

    Hey, fellow PoKéfans. ❤️. So I'm curious what people hold as their most prized & most meaningful item(s) among their collection. So I was hoping we could all share photos here of them and geek out as much as we wanted over them. Looking forward to seeing what people upload. Hopefully this will...