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  1. sweetbrieR20

    Discussion Question About Card Sleeves

    @minecraft7er It's definitely possible. I'm actually going to be playing at a local for the first time this weekend. I'll try to see how other people shuffle their decks and ask around.
  2. sweetbrieR20

    Discussion Question About Card Sleeves

    @SableyeGuy , @Merovingian Thanks guys. I got a chance to pick some up last night, so I'll be trying them out this weekend. :)
  3. sweetbrieR20

    Discussion Question About Card Sleeves

    @ShaQuL Will do. I guess Dragon Shield is the go-to brand for sleeves? I think I tried Ultra pro cards before, but they kept splitting. @aaron2310 ...Can I ask what table shuffling is? :confused: (it's ok, I'll google it)
  4. sweetbrieR20

    Discussion Question About Card Sleeves

    @AngryBokoblin I know. :( I didn't sleeve cards that came in theme decks when I first started learning. Then when I wanted to try building my own decks I wanted them sleeved. Maybe it's the brand of sleeves that's not agreeing with me, but I had to take them off because the cards felt like they...
  5. sweetbrieR20

    Standard Plain and Simple Tyranitar

    @SableyeGuy I did consider UNM-Hoopa before, but I wasn't sure about it because I didn't think there that many Pokemon with abilities being played to warrant it (sorry about the double post, I was on a work break).
  6. sweetbrieR20

    Discussion Question About Card Sleeves

    This might be a dumb question, but do you guys find that there can be a difference in the cards you draw when you sleeve them? I find that when I'm trying to test a deck for the first few times, the hands I draw are not good when the cards are sleeved. It's as if I've hardly shuffled the deck...
  7. sweetbrieR20

    Standard Plain and Simple Tyranitar

    @SableyeGuy Lol. It'd be funny if it worked. I should look for that card just because XD.
  8. sweetbrieR20

    Standard Plain and Simple Tyranitar

    @AngryBokoblin Tweeaked the deck a bit, and I'm sort of losing confidence in Elm. I'm considering adding a Dunsparce since it'll help with my basics count and might also help bench Pokemon at the start of the game. What do you think?
  9. sweetbrieR20

    Standard Plain and Simple Tyranitar

    @AngryBokoblin Oh, I gotcha. Cool.
  10. sweetbrieR20

    Standard Plain and Simple Tyranitar

    Sort of. Can you tell me how Emolga helps?
  11. sweetbrieR20

    Standard Plain and Simple Tyranitar

    I do have 4 Larvitars. ;-) And you're right, it's supposed to be TEU-Alolan Ninetales and Alolan Ninetales GX. My bad. XD
  12. sweetbrieR20

    Standard Plain and Simple Tyranitar

    I've been wanting to try making a Tyranitar deck that's simple and fun. I had been working on this particular draft for a while and finally got around to testing it recently. It still needs tweaking, so I'm looking for some feedback on what I can fix. Pokemon (15) 3 Larvitar- LOT 114 1...
  13. sweetbrieR20

    Discussion Stance on Stage 2 Decks

    A lot of good points. I'm still on the fence... but maybe on the less pessimistic side things when talking about stage 2 pokemon. I suspect that because of their awkward placement in the tcg now, that people won't see them for more than potential deck engines to be partnered with other basic or...
  14. sweetbrieR20

    Discussion Stance on Stage 2 Decks

    I'm curious about what people think of playing stage 2 decks now with the ushering of Tag Team Pokemon. Quite a few of the Pokemon I like happen to be stage 2s, but their setups now seem to bring less rewarding payoffs than that of Tag Teams. How do you see their place in the TCG in general? Do...
  15. sweetbrieR20

    Discussion Future for Dark Type Decks

    I'm not sure that this is the right thread to go over your deck specifically, but as a fan of dark type pokemon myself, it's a bit disappointing they don't get nearly as much support as other pokemon types now. I hope that will change.
  16. sweetbrieR20

    Standard Trying Out Pangoro Mill

    I did have a chance to think about it, and ended up decided that "Make 'em Pay" Persian would be better. I've edited my original post with my list change since, and I'm hoping it's a lot better than before. Thanks for your help. P.S. I also made a similar list with Wink-Wink Sylveon instead of...
  17. sweetbrieR20

    Standard Trying Out Pangoro Mill

    Definitely hit the nail on the head @Lanstar. I definitely thinking about a more 'defensive' plan as opposed to a winning strategy. I'm finding out really quickly that building a mill deck takes an approach other than what I'm used to seeing. Thanks for your suggestions. I'll take your...
  18. sweetbrieR20

    Standard Trying Out Pangoro Mill

    Thanks @rewster1 Funny. I had been wanting to make a deck with "Wink wink" Sylveon for a while. I never thought I could partner it with this Pangoro. Always thought it was more of a situational card to play. I wanna try it now. Slowking seems fun too. ^_^ You're right, Max Potion is...
  19. sweetbrieR20

    Standard Trying Out Pangoro Mill

    I'm a beginner at this game, but I wanted to try building a deck around Pangoro from the Team Up expansion. Not aiming for it to be competitive, but any feedback would be appreciated. I really want to learn to consider what goes into drafting a deck. Decklist: Pokemon (14) 4 Pancham-- TEU 81...