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  1. Irelatetosobble

    24-Hour 'Sword & Shield' Livestream To Reveal New Information

    I swear if this is just buildup to a galarian ponyta im going to be pretty unhappy, as I was expecting A LOT more from this. Likely pokemon just getting revenge for all the criticism they have gotten for the last 8 months.
  2. Irelatetosobble

    'Pikachu-GX & Eevee-GX Special Collection' in November!

    I spot an evolutions pack.....
  3. Irelatetosobble

    'Cosmic Eclipse,' November's English Set!

    That elite trainer box is freaking beautiful.
  4. Irelatetosobble

    'Alter Genesis,' 'High Class Pack 2019' Sets Announced for Japan!

    Thank god alolan muk isnt in standard right now. If you or your opponent drops that this card becomes the most broken card
  5. Irelatetosobble

    'Hidden Fates Premium Powers Collection' in October!

    Are they treating the gold solalgeo and Lunala as alternate arts?
  6. Irelatetosobble

    New Pokemon Yamper, Electric, and Impidimp, Dark/Fairy, Revealed!

    What is dark fairy weak to? Its definitely weak to steel.
  7. Irelatetosobble

    Pokemon Press Conference Tomorrow, Pokemon Direct in June!

    Im hoping for a new spin-off game Maybe mystery dungeon
  8. Irelatetosobble

    Armored Mewtwo Revealed in 'CoroCoro!' Ancient Mew Promo Re-Release!

    Is armored mewtwo going to be in LGPE? Looks like theirs a gameplay pic in second page top right
  9. Irelatetosobble

    SM11 Miracle Twins!

    Yeah stacking energy on this thing balances it out, as beast ring can't be used (Not a ultra beast.) I really can't see a way to stack just dark on it, but other energy stacking cards could be used for the 5 extra energy with the gx attack as it doesnt specifically state dark energy.
  10. Irelatetosobble

    'Detective Pikachu' Exceeds All Expectations! (A Full Review, Very Minor Spoilers)

    Might see it this weekend. Want to hear about the changes.
  11. Irelatetosobble

    New 'Let's Play' Theme Decks Featuring Pikachu and Eevee!

    @Asrialys Yes. The Eevee, moltres, pikachu, and raikou is a cracked ice holo like the ones in the set theme decks. The charizard is special as it is non-holo, and it is holo in the set it originated from. There is 1 copy of each cracked ice.
  12. Irelatetosobble

    New 'Let's Play' Theme Decks Featuring Pikachu and Eevee!

    Might buy the eevee one just for the flareon promo and sell off the other bulk. I know a lot of eevee fans who will pay a solid price for eevee cards.
  13. Irelatetosobble

    Exclusive 'Detective Pikachu' Blister Packs at 7-11!

    Does anyone know how much they are? Think they might be $6-7 but just want to make sure.
  14. Irelatetosobble

    Just your everyday Jojo weeb.

    Just your everyday Jojo weeb.