Search results

  1. MrYaja

    News Japan's SM6b, 'Champion Road'!

    We may get a gx as well, they did it with Inceneroar as well
  2. MrYaja

    PokeBeach's January 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    I am hereby dropping from this tournament
  3. MrYaja

    PokeBeach's January 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Round 2 @jcmasterhi won 2-1 against @MrYaja
  4. MrYaja

    SM5+ 'Ultra Force' Releasing in January!

    Welp, gotta get some Buzzwholes for a deck then...
  5. MrYaja

    SM5+ 'Ultra Force' Releasing in January!

    Could be a great back up plan if one buzzwhole gx goes down, it attacks for one energy and you get a turn or two for extra set up
  6. MrYaja

    SM5+ 'Ultra Force' Releasing in January!

    More metal support... Also we might see more of the UB's in competitive play with that stadium, apart from buzzwhole
  7. MrYaja

    PokeBeach's January 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Round 1 I lost @MrYaja 0-2 @John Creagh
  8. MrYaja

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Looks like we got a 1-1 evee glaceon line in every water deck
  9. MrYaja

    PokeBeach's January 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No What is your PTCGO screen name (the name you battle with, not the name you log in with)? MYGMrYaja What time zone do you live in? (If you don’t know what time zone you live in, use a World Clock to find out.) GMT+1 Did you play in December’s tournament? No...