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  1. J

    Standard Post Rotation Pikarom - HELP!

    Hey there, hope you're all well! I have a post rotation Pikarom list here and I am just wondering if any of you had any suggestions on other variations I could try? I find that it is sometimes inconsistent but I am unsure on what could make it more consistent. I often find that I am missing...
  2. J

    Discussion Pikarom vs Reshizard

    Hey, Thanks for your comment, that clarifies and makes the matchup a little clearer! Just curious, what variant of Reshizard are you running? All the best.
  3. J

    Discussion Pikarom vs Reshizard

    Hey guys! I’m a fairly new Pikarom player and am curious as to how the Reshizard matchup should go. Although I feel it’s quite even and mainly comes down to who can be more aggressive, I’m wondering if there are any strategies/techs that could be implemented into Pikarom to make the matchup...
  4. J

    Standard Kingdra / Alolan Ninetales GX

    These are great suggestions, thank you so much!
  5. J

    Standard Kingdra / Alolan Ninetales GX

    @TuxedoBlack These are very helpful comments, thank you! I see what you mean about how it could cause "lag". Do you have any suggestions about what i could run with Kingdra? I think I prefer the idea of running Kingdra over Ninetales GX because although it's being used, i just haven't seen as...
  6. J

    Standard Kingdra / Alolan Ninetales GX

    Hey all! I've been trying to think of a semi budget deck to build, one that isn't so common, but can still stand up to the likes of the main meta decks out there. I'm thinking that i'll use Alolan Ninetales GX as my main active, just as it has high HP and can deal a fair amount of damage to any...