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  1. FierySplash

    Standard Cynthia's Chomp

    Updated List: 8/19/2018 ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ****** ##Pokémon - 17 * 1 Oranguru SUM 113 * 2 Gabite UPR 98 * 2 Garchomp UPR 99 * 1 Diancie {*} FLI 74 * 4 Gible FLI 60 * 3 Riolu UPR 66 * 2 Lucario UPR 67 * 2 Garchomp FLI 62 ##Trainer Cards - 33 * 2 Rescue Stretcher GRI...
  2. FierySplash

    Standard Cynthia's Chomp

    Hoping for a lucky pull like yours :D. I will definitely look to add Buzzwole-GX into my deck, when possible. I may be asking on the wrong thread, but do any of you have Diancie on PTCGO that is up for trade. I've got the Fighting Garchomp and Guzma. Just missing the bands, Diancie and Brooklet...
  3. FierySplash

    Standard Cynthia's Chomp

    Thanks for the suggestions! I am probably going to avoid Lele and Buzz as that would be costly and disrupt the focus of my deck. However, I will surely add in the rest and see how it goes. Additionally, wouldn't a Shrine of Punishment be enough rather than adding in 4 choice bands (allows 210 to...
  4. FierySplash

    Standard Lyranoc GX

    I suggest that you incorporate Brooklet Hill in place of a switch or Pal Pad, it should help you set up quicker due to the evolution-reliant nature of the deck (will rotate in a few weeks). Another suggestion would be Timer-Ball, it may be inconsistent at times, but really comes in handy when...
  5. FierySplash

    Standard Cynthia's Chomp

    ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ****** ##Pokémon - 16 * 4 Gible UPR 96 * 2 Gabite UPR 98 * 4 Garchomp UPR 99 * 3 Riolu UPR 66 * 1 Sudowoodo BKP 67 * 2 Lucario UPR 67 ##Trainer Cards - 34 * 2 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130 * 2 Ultra Ball DEX 102 * 4 Timer Ball SUM 134 * 2 Acro Bike PRC...
  6. FierySplash

    Standard Ninetales & Empoleon

    Thanks for the reply! I have got myself N, Cynthia on PTCGO and am testing the deck. Guzma might come in, depending on my willingness to purchase it.
  7. FierySplash

    Standard Ninetales & Empoleon

    Hey guys, I was looking to get some suggestions regarding my decklist. As of now, it's very basic and needs to be modified quite a bit, so here I am. Testing has surprisingly gone well with 5 wins and a single loss to a Ho-Oh deck that was able to snipe down my bench. Any help is greatly...
  8. FierySplash

    Hey, Ranger could I get the decklist for your 1st Alolan Ninetales deck? Thanks in advance!

    Hey, Ranger could I get the decklist for your 1st Alolan Ninetales deck? Thanks in advance!
  9. FierySplash

    Standard Casual Deck

    I used the two theme decks that I already bought and a few other cards that I have to build an Empoleon-Alolan Ninetales (NON-GX), that is able to deal with most GX decks but still struggles against decks with non-gx primary attackers. I will most likely not be able to purchase the Garchomp...
  10. FierySplash

    Standard Casual Deck

    Hey guys, I'm just getting back into the game and needed some guidance on building a deck with the standard-legal materials I have. I may be asking for a bit too much but can someone aid me in coming up with a deck using the Luminous Frost and Imperial Command Theme Decks? P.S. I do have access...
  11. FierySplash

    Standard Budget Volcanion Deck Ideas

    Post ideas below on some Volcanion Decks, without Tapu Lele.
  12. FierySplash

    Standard Volcanion Semi-Budget Deck

    Coming back into Pokemon for this new rotation! Would like some ideas on a Volcanion deck for the new format, I currently have 2 Volcanion EX, a couple Flareon EX and thinking of buying the Volcanion theme deck for some normal Volc's and professor's letters. Pokemon 2 Volcanion EX 3 Flareon...
  13. FierySplash

    Standard 2018 Standard Budget Semi-Competitive Deck Ideas?

    Tapu Lele GX is not fitting for my budget. :(
  14. FierySplash

    Standard 2018 Standard Budget Semi-Competitive Deck Ideas?

    Hey guys, coming back to Pokemon after 6-7 months, I have 2 Volcanion-EX and 3 Flareon-EX which I had originally bought to build a deck but ended up quitting. If you guys could give me ideas using those cards or even decks without using those cards, I would really appreciate it! Thanks, FierySplash
  15. FierySplash

    Expanded Night March In Expanded?

    Trying out a Medicham AT deck for expanded right now, along with a few others, might try out the MarchTina....
  16. FierySplash

    Expanded Night March In Expanded?

    Slipped my mind about the VS-Seeker to Karen Recycle, might just try out a MarchTina Variant that denies the VS Seeker, keen on testing it.
  17. FierySplash

    Expanded Night March In Expanded?

    But is the one prize difference worth the extra HP Mew-EX gives, Mew-EX with FFB - 160HP, Mew-FAC with FFB - 90HP.
  18. FierySplash

    Expanded Night March In Expanded?

    Feedback, Guys!
  19. FierySplash

    Expanded Night March In Expanded?

    Pokemon - 14 4 Pumpkaboo (PHF 44) 2 Mew-EX (LTR 224) 4 Joltik (PHF 26) 4 Lampent (PHF 42) Energy - 8 4 Double Colorless Energy (FCO 114) 4 Psychic Energy (GEN 79) Trainer - 38 2 Lysandre (AOR 78) 3 Fighting Fury Belt (BKP 99) 3 N (FCO 105) 2 Startling Megaphone (FLF 97) 2 Ultra Ball (FCO 113)...
  20. FierySplash

    Blog Playing with Scizor: Piloting the Pincer Pokémon in Today's Meta

    Great Article! Loved how it was available to everyone. Keep it up John!