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  1. B

    Standard Typhlosion/Talonflame (2017 Rotation)

    This was my first Typhlosion build. Eventually, i found out that it wasn't that good, so i ended up making a new one, that you can see here: 4 Talonflames was added. If you start with it, you are done. Just hope for no...
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    Standard Aerodactyl (FCO)/Wobbuffet

    isn't Talonflame (Steam Siege) good for this kind of deck?
  3. B

    Standard Typhlosion/Talonflame/Mew EX

    I used to run it wihtout Mew, but it was an auto lose to Glaceon Ex deck. I think Mew makes, at least, possible to beat Glaceon... Also, the 2 prizes thing rlly dont matter in this deck cuzz the oponnent never wins by taking prizes gainst this deck. About adding Talonflame Break, i will think...
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    Standard Typhlosion/Talonflame/Mew EX

    So, a while ago i decided to create my first deck using my favourite Pokémon: Typhlosion! I was trying to work without Shaymin, cuzz where i live it is too expensive to get it, so i chose the Typholosion/Talonflame variant. It was pretty good for some fun play but i ended up not playing it that...
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    Talonflame/Typhlosion budget build

    I tried this deck with some variations in the trainers and energy lines, but with the same Pokemon line. The problem of my deck was the lack of draw power. With 4 ultra balls and no draw power i wasnt able to use those ultra balls frequently. Another problem was that, normally, i could only set...
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    Standard Typhlosion/Talonflame (2017 Rotation)

    Hi! Thx for all your replies and time. I tried to use that 30 energy deck and, most of the time, i got a hand full of energy and a single Cyndaquil (And lots of mulligans), so definitely it isn't viable to use, i would say. I tested that 24 energy deck (a few times) and the problem with too...
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    Standard Typhlosion/Talonflame (2017 Rotation)

    I Started to play Pokémon 6 months ago using only 1 deck: Vileplume/Vespiqueen. With the next rotation comming, i think Vespiqueen will not be viable anymore. So, i decided to create my first deck using my favourite Pokémon: Typhlosion! I'm Trying to work without Shaymin, cuzz where i live it...