Search results

  1. Arizaiaz

    Standard Primal Groudon EX/Solgaleo GX

    Hey everyone! The past few days I've had this combo stuck in my head thinking it could work. I'll be making proxies this weekend to try it out regardless, but would like to hear some feedback on what everyone thinks works or doesn't work with my list. As well as thoughts on this combo in...
  2. Arizaiaz

    Standard The Creep Show at Sea! (Talonflame/Gengar/P-Kyrogre)

    Hey guys, I took a break from some serious Regionals testing to mess around with a Gengar deck concept that has been rumbling around in my head for a while now. Decided to post the list here to see if anyone would be interested in testing it and/or wanted to provide some feedback. So without...
  3. Arizaiaz

    Standard Dare to Enter the Forest: PRC-On (M Sceptile/M Beedrill)

    Origins: As someone who has been testing and playing Mega Sceptile decks for months now I was very intrigued by the article right here on Pokebeach discussing the impending release of the Mega Beedrill-EX Premium Collection. I have been searching for potential partners for Mega Sceptile in the...
  4. Arizaiaz

    Standard Rapid Kisses 2016/17(Genesect EX/Togekiss)

    Rapid Kisses (2016/17 Standard Format) So I was browsing the latest posts on this site and I came across a thread discussing future potential partners for Genesect EX due to Bronzong rotating soon. A Pokebeach user, Uriel Serjohn M. Casal, suggested Togekiss from ROS and it got me thinking...
  5. Arizaiaz

    Standard M Sceptile EX/Giratina Ex (Sceptina!!!)

    I have been wanting to get into the competitive Pokemon TCG scene for a while now and finally decided to jump in for the upcoming season after Worlds. After doing some extensive research on the current meta and what the meta might become following the next rotation shift I came up with this deck...