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    Winter 2016 Regionals Playmat!

    Wauw. I'm speechless.. this mat looks rad
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    Discussion The Blazing Hellhound - (M) Houndoom EX Discussion

    What I've experienced with Houndoom/Mega Houndoom is that I ran it with a very good speed. Due to things like blacksmith, Scorched earth's and Fiery torches. Using skyla as a card search it gave me a certain speed. Siding it with Pyroar (Flashfire) as a 2-2 and using Brigette. You can...
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    Parallel City Promo for City Championships

    Sweet mother of god..\ Its so sweet. Bring on the staff one
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    City Championship Playmats!

    no need for that as i am one of the people organizing one here in the netherland and we haven't gotten that info yet
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    City Championship Playmats!

    I wonder if its the same for europe
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    RBY 'Pokemon Red,' 'Blue,' 'Yellow' to be Released on 3DS Virtual Console!

    The biggest question now is... Will we be able to put these pokémon we catch.. IN Pokémon Bank?
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    Potential BREAK Pokemon in Upcoming Sets!

    Goodra Break, Because we need more love for the slimy dragon
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    Pokemon Toys and Cards in McDonald's Happy Meals in November

    Are these coming to european MacD's aswell or only US ones?