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    Trades [USA] H: FA Shaymin EX W: Lots!

    Yes I can do that, pm to complete
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    Trades [USA] H: FA Shaymin EX W: Lots!

    Complete overhaul of my trade thread
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    Trades [USA only] **11/18 BREAKThrough cards updated on page!!** W: Primal clash FA, SR I have more, if there is something you want, ask, I may have it.
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    Trades [USA only] **11/18 BREAKThrough cards updated on page!!** W: Primal clash FA, SR

    hey, I am interested in your SR M Manectric EX, how many do you have, and are you interested in FA Supporters, or FA EXS from other sets?
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    Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

    I HAVE: Skarmory EX 145/146 - Low want Toxicroak EX 102/106 Lysandre 104/106 AZ 117/119 Xerosic 119/119 Aggron EX 153/160 M Aggron EX 154/160 - Low want Machamp EX 90/98 M Glalie EX 156/162 I WANT: BREAKthrough: X4 Smeargle X1 Zoroark X2 Zoroark BREAK PHANTOM FORCES: X3 Aegislash...
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    Discussion Zoroark / Zoroark Break Viability in Standard

    Bronzong/Aegislash EX/Tyrantum EX/Smeargle/Zoroark Aegislash ex and tyrantum ex as main attackers, smeargle to change energies for tyrantum ex, zoroark + float stone to cover retreat costs and use as a secondary attacker if the situation presents itself
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    Trades [USA] TigerLilly's Trades Wants and Haves Updated

    I have fa toad, I am interested in 3x Bronzong and 5x Sycamore
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    Trades [USA] Senpaii's Trading Class

    I have many of your wants, i am interested in your M ampharos. I could do 4-4 Meinshao plus some strong energies
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    Trades & Sales [USA] Curious Cleffa's Bulk Trades! Updated with Guardians Rising!

    I have dex Empoleon, I am interested in Wailord EX from PRC
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    Discussion Card-Drawing "Engine" (Expanded Deck Format)

    I tend to lean towards juniper in expanded because I have more of them and I need my sycamore for my standard decks.
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    Sales [USA] Mora's Modest Trade Thread H: FA Supporters, Shaymin EX, Tapu Lele, and More!

    I have one, and would you be willing to trade 2 n for 2 m man plus some?
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    Discussion New Rogue Decks using Ancient Origin Cards!

    I like M Ampharos/Crobat/Vileplume, basically bringing up a pokemon, parylzing it until it is knocked out, using the crobat to do damage to their bench, and vileplume to shut down cards like full heal and switch.
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    Sales [USA] Mora's Modest Trade Thread H: FA Supporters, Shaymin EX, Tapu Lele, and More!

    I have some oddish and gloom, Do you have any ampharos, or vileplume
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    Standard M Manectric EX / Regice

    I like to run this deck with -1 Man spirit link and add in Articuno AT ROS. He can be very helpful to pick up an extra prize on a mega like PG with 240 HP, since Turbo bolt X2 = 220 and Articuno's attack does 20 damage and would take three prize. Also, I run seismitoad EX or Kyurem EX (AOR) as...
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    Trades [USA-WW] xPOKEFREAK72x W: LEGENDS, H: Lots

    Do you have kyurem ex AOR