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  1. Rhicune444

    New 'Magikarp and Gyarados Make-Believe Pikachu Box!'

    the cards of pikachu are so adorable, i just love the idea, and i hope this gets localised for other countries, it probably wont, but still.
  2. Rhicune444

    Contest May's Create-a-Card: Gym Leaders! (Fan Vote Results)

    i was wondering if i could quit, i cant finish my card since i have school and everything. sorry for maybe pulling out too late.
  3. Rhicune444

    Contest May's Create-a-Card: Gym Leaders! (Fan Vote Results)

    i am known to procrastinate, so if i dont get it done in 3-4 days (the card), i just got a little lazy and/or forgot.
  4. Rhicune444

    Contest May's Create-a-Card: Gym Leaders! (Fan Vote Results)

    i was wondering, could i still compete, im still kinda a newbie and would like to have a little challenge, so, yeah. edit: i'd like to enter the Image or Text one if any are still open