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  1. X

    Brave Vesperia, I think it comes down to the fact that there's the new Pokemon Tool cards that...

    Brave Vesperia, I think it comes down to the fact that there's the new Pokemon Tool cards that are annoying to deal with. Other than that, I mean, you can try speed Lugia or Plasma Kyurem with a Lugia on the side. I haven't figured out which one is better (yet!) but I think I prefer running with...
  2. X

    Vom, Atlantic Canada so New Brunswick. Quite far east!

    Vom, Atlantic Canada so New Brunswick. Quite far east!
  3. X

    Brave Vesperia, I play Plasma, VirGen and Yveltal/Garbodor. Lugia is pretty much my favorite...

    Brave Vesperia, I play Plasma, VirGen and Yveltal/Garbodor. Lugia is pretty much my favorite card, so I play turbo Lugia a lot.
  4. X

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello, folks. I'm Xenjin, 25 years old, and I've been playing this game since Base Set. I joined PokeBeach to essentially, well, up my game a bit. I come from a small area in Eastern Canada, from the Atlantic Region. Found out about PokeBeach from the PTCGO site. Interests include helping run...