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  1. D

    Is There a New Japanese Promo that Could Kill BREAKs in Future?

    Hi everyone! So for a quick summary I took a break (no pun intended) from TCG right after the release of Ancient Origins. I was at my local hobby shop exploring new cards and greninja BREAK peaked my interest. Another tcg player who has been playing for a while mentioned that break cards will...
  2. D

    Going to Worlds?

    Okay so, after searching around the internet and on the Pokemon website I can't find an actual answer for this, I'm probably just dumb but I might as well ask: A few of my friends and I live in Boston, MA (Where Pokemon Worlds is being held) and we do NOT have Worlds invites, is it still...
  3. D

    King's Song Politoed (Poliwrath / Politoed)

    I actually don't know if there's an abbreviation for Furious Fists yet so I'm using FFS! Pokemon: 19 2 - Politoed FFS 2 - Poliwrath FFS 4 - Poliwhirl FFS 4 - Poliwag FFS 3 - Miltank FLF 2 - Dusknoir BCR 2 - Duskull FLF Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 37 4 - Rare Candy 4 -...