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  1. SCMowns


  2. SCMowns

    MrSquarepants, 6:00 PM

    MrSquarepants, 6:00 PM
  3. SCMowns

    Add me Friend Code Below!

    Add me Friend Code Below!
  4. SCMowns

    Hello I heard you have a safari with Chansey. I have one with Fennekin and Ponytas. Can you add...

    Hello I heard you have a safari with Chansey. I have one with Fennekin and Ponytas. Can you add me? My FC is 1993-78640275
  5. SCMowns

    Hello I heard you have a safari with Chansey. I have one with Fennekin and Ponytas. Can you add...

    Hello I heard you have a safari with Chansey. I have one with Fennekin and Ponytas. Can you add me? My FC is 1993-78640275
  6. SCMowns

    Hello I heard you have a safari with Chansey. I have one with Fennekin and Ponytas. Can you add...

    Hello I heard you have a safari with Chansey. I have one with Fennekin and Ponytas. Can you add me? My FC is 1993-78640275
  7. SCMowns

    Wi-Fi Trades Vincent Trading: Battle Maison Items + Lot's of Shiny's + 5IV Turtwigs

    RE: Vincent Trade Thread: Shiny`s, Legends, PokeBank Pokemons! i have zekrom in white if possible zekrom for darkrai?
  8. SCMowns

    Wi-Fi Trades Vincent Trading: Battle Maison Items + Lot's of Shiny's + 5IV Turtwigs

    RE: Vincent Trade Thread: Shiny`s, Legends, PokeBank Pokemons! can i have a Darkrai pretty please for a ditto with imposter ability kecleon ninetales and in case you have white or black,Zekrom?
  9. SCMowns

    Wi-Fi Trades King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Now Updated for Sun and Moon!

    RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, and More! New Offers Every Day! It's in White so unless you have it I can't really give it to you
  10. SCMowns

    Wi-Fi Trades King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Now Updated for Sun and Moon!

    RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, and More! New Offers Every Day! Can I have an HA Treecko,Mudkip,Piplup,Totodile, and Chimchar for any any Pokemon off this list?
  11. SCMowns

    Wi-Fi Trades xDkoYx's Trading Centre - {Perfect 5iv HA Unova Starters!!}

    RE: xDkoYx's Trading Centre (FREE DEFIANT PIPLUPS) NOW BREEDING EAST SEA SHELLOS Ready to trade?
  12. SCMowns

    Wi-Fi Trades lyrza's Trade Thread: All Of The Starters and more--reseting EV's!

    RE: lyrza's Trade Thread: All Of The Starters and more Can I have all the starters with HA for Pokemon off this list please? I also have mankeys
  13. SCMowns

    Wi-Fi Trades SCMowns Breeding and Trading Now Has Every Starter!

    RE: SCMowns Breeding and Trading Ok but what other pokemon do you want besides heatmor? Cause every pokemon you mentioned I want. My dittos are from the USA
  14. SCMowns

    Wi-Fi Trades SylveonsAndEspurrs Trade Thread - 5IV Breeding + Now Offering Masuda Breeding!

    RE: SylveonsAndEspurrs Trade Thread -- Has Every Generation's Starters and Other Non-Kalos Pokemon; Feebas, Meowth, Frillish, Buneary, and others! Japanese Delphox and Japanese Venosaur
  15. SCMowns

    Wi-Fi Trades SCMowns Breeding and Trading Now Has Every Starter!

    Friend Code: 1993-7864-0275 Time Zone: Pacific Times Available: Almost Always Haves: Starters Services Offered: Trading and Breeding Wants: - All Starters Except For Kalos and Kanto ones -Growlithe -Shinx -Porygon -Buneary -Mew and Darkrai (Can Get Zekrom)
  16. SCMowns

    Wi-Fi Trades Vincent Trading: Battle Maison Items + Lot's of Shiny's + 5IV Turtwigs

    RE: Vincent Trade Thread: Breeding: Feebas, Rattata, Frillish, Bouffalant, Koffing, Porygon. Have: Legends, Shiny`s. (Coming soon: Other Shiny`s and Legends) Current need: Shiny Trevenant So trade? It has anger point as an ability
  17. SCMowns

    Wi-Fi Trades Dracaufeu's IV and Shiny Trading Den LF:Competitive 5-6 IV H: 6 IV Spanish Ditto

    RE: Dracaufeu's Trading Den Has All Starters and Porygon! Can I have all the starters except for Kalos and Kanto ones and Porygon for any Pokemons off this list? List
  18. SCMowns

    Wi-Fi Trades dmaster's MyPlayer Thread - Have: Stuff, Want: Nothing right now

    RE: dmaster's MyPlayer Thread - Have HA Treecko+Turtwig+Chimchar+Piplup, Want HA Mudkip Can I have all the starters that aren't Kanto or Kalos for any pokemons off this list List
  19. SCMowns

    Wi-Fi Trades Poseidon's trades: have Pokebank Legendaries, Almost all starters, Battle Maison items.

    RE: Sir Taco's trades: have Shinies, Totodile, Cyndaquil, Quints, Battle Maison items. Totodile And Cyndaquil for any pokemon off this list? List
  20. SCMowns

    Wi-Fi Trades Momoxmomo's MyPlayer Thread (Now Breeding: PokeBank Pokemon)

    RE: Momoxmomo's MyPlayer Thread (Now Breeding: Cyndaquils & Turtwigs) Can I have Cyndaquil and Turtwig I can give you any of the pokemon on this list List