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  1. L

    Discussion The skill level of league players

    I was wondering what the average skill level of league players is? reddit says they are pretty average (local cups and such) and that the whole thing is pretty faceroll till last game or two? Was also wondering what decks people have been using the most at these places, is it charizard EX...
  2. L

    Ruling Question regarding world championship and abilities rulings

    Ahhh thanks for this info this really summed up what I wanted to know. I had one other question though and that was regarding standard format it says I can use anything that is within the G,H, and I marking for 2025. My question is if I can use a card with this marking, therefor a card from...
  3. L

    Ruling Question regarding world championship and abilities rulings

    Short to the point. Question 1 (for someone that has played world championship): The official rulebook states abilities are not attacks and nothing more, if I have an ability that is passive, for example "remove 1 damage counter from your active pokemon" and does not state it can only be used...