Are you a pokebeach premium member? No
PTCGO screen name, IMC-Trainer
Time zone, PST
did you play april tournament, no
if allowed to play, will you make three non tournament forum posts before 12 AM PDT 5/24/18.
Hey i dont know what to play for salt lake city, could expanded buzzhole varients work? or would i be safer playing something like zoroark with a partner?
buzzroc is really good. however, i am now concidering buzzgarb instead as it helps you with all your tough matchups. garde and bulu are two of the HARDEST matchups to play against ( from my testing anyway) so if you are forsure going for the buzzwole i would suggest buzzgarb
Hey guys, i wanted to know if this was a garbage idea or not. So basically you just run 4-4 zoroark line,
4 darkrai gx 2-3 darkrai ex, 3 shaymin, 1 lele, max elixers, dark patches, everything... colresses instead of cinthias
good idea or not
so i heard of a rule that you can only get points from 2 league cups in a set amount of time. what are those timeframes? i went to 2 league cups.... october and march.. and got points.... can i go to another one and get more?
Hi, im attending a crucial league cup and i need to choose what to play. i feel zor0-lycanroc is a better pick overall, but i know that there will be at least 1 glaceon, if i kiawe hooh i will be able to OHKO glaceons, and if i play zoro-lycanroc i will lose to glaceon.
wow thanks... there is a colress in there already, so ill leave the skyla in there, i know every one always diss's skyla but it really fits my playstyle
but i will be adding what you said... thanks.
Hey, any suggestions or changes i should make before i take this to costa mesa?
4 Zoroark GX (SLG-53)
2 Shaymin EX (ROS-106)
1 Oricorio (GRI-56)
2 Zorua (BKT-89)
1 Tapu Lele GX (GRI-60)
2 Zorua (BKT-90)
1 Shaymin EX (ROS-77)
2 Seismitoad EX (FFI-106)
1 Sudowoodo (GRI-66)
1 Professor Sycamore
1 N...