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  1. Psychic Nature

    “Destined Rivals” English Pokemon Set Releasing in May!

    Probably dropped the team rocket name because there’s more non-team rocket than rocket Pokémon.
  2. Psychic Nature

    Pokemon Center Implementing a New Queue System, Presumably to Combat Bots!

    Maybe I can get the prismatic products that release later this year with this system. I just want one of each of the two collections coming out later this year.
  3. Psychic Nature

    Famous Pikachu Illustrator and Pikachu Trophy Card Sheets that Recently Sold Likely Forged in 2024

    Do all cards have this dating system? I feel like that may be something to check too.
  4. Psychic Nature

    All “Space-Time Smackdown” Cards Officially Revealed from “Pocket!”

    So many Pokémon got full arts that have never had one before!!! Why can’t these be physical??? I need them for my full art pokedex!
  5. Psychic Nature

    Special English Set Releasing in July, Could Be “Black Bolt” and “White Flare!”

    Illustration rare boxes? So there will be more IRs as promos? Interesting.
  6. Psychic Nature

    Steven’s Metagross ex and Marnie’s Grimmsnarl ex Decks Revealed!

    That Beldum full art is so cute!!! They’re smiling to Steven! I want one so bad.
  7. Psychic Nature

    Rare Mew Card to Release in China, Limited to Only 1,510 Copies!

    I am not made of money. I’m a budget collector. This card is going to be extremely expensive out of the gate. The Prismatic Umbreon has already topped $1600. It’s unobtanium for me.
  8. Psychic Nature

    Rare Mew Card to Release in China, Limited to Only 1,510 Copies!

    I saw this card and was like “that would be cute for my mew collection.” Then I saw they were going to be extremely limited printing and my hopes were immediately crushed. This is a card I’ll probably never get my hands on. Oh well.
  9. Psychic Nature

    “Charizard ex Special Collection” Featuring Lenticular Charizard ex Card!

    I wish they would do more with the other starters. They do so many things with Charizard. Where’s the Meganium love? I love that cute flower dino. Meganium hasn’t had a card since Sun and Moon Lost Thunder! I’m so tired of Charizard and Greninja. There are other starters.
  10. Psychic Nature

    Mayhem and Brawls Continue to Break Out at Costco Stores Over “151” Products

    I tried getting one online. Got it in my cart, ready to check out, and in seconds it sold out and wouldn’t let me hit the order button. Restocks last literal seconds due to bots from what I’ve heard. Absolutely ridiculous. I’ve given up on getting this. I just wanted the sparkly Venusaur and...
  11. Psychic Nature

    “Hop’s Zacian ex Box” Revealed for March!

    I wish they would put more effort into these boxes instead of using stock images for the box artwork.
  12. Psychic Nature

    Volcanion ex, Iris, Wailord Illustration Rare, and More from “Battle Partners!”

    Looking at the media outside the games, it seems Purrloin is the Pokemon outside of a legendary and zoroark he’s most associated with. In the manga I think we see just Purrloin and Zekrom. So it could just be based on that? Or maybe one of the artists just really loves Purrloin.
  13. Psychic Nature

    Volcanion ex, Iris, Wailord Illustration Rare, and More from “Battle Partners!”

    Maybe it’s a full art card or an IR with no normal card? But I don’t think N ever had a Liepard, looking through his teams on bulbapedia. He’s had a Purrloin in the games, the anime, and even the manga.
  14. Psychic Nature

    Volcanion ex, Iris, Wailord Illustration Rare, and More from “Battle Partners!”

    I think it’s hilarious that they put Wailord vertical to fit their entire body on the card. That’s such a good art too I hope I can find one for my collection.
  15. Psychic Nature

    Celio x Pokemon TCG Clothing Line Launched in France!

    The type hoodie is pretty cool.
  16. Psychic Nature

    New Charmander and Pikachu Ultra PRO Accessories in 2025!

    Pikachu not going all the way to the edge of the card sleeve bugs me. They should have either made it go all the way to the edge, or added a border that’s not the same exact color as the background. Even a slight color difference would have looked better.
  17. Psychic Nature

    “Prismatic Evolutions” Demand Higher than Supply, Allocations Severely Cut to Local Stores

    I got lucky with one ETB preordered from Pokemon Center, but one of my local card shops never got their Surging Sparks allocation. They’ve been selling Pokemon for decades. It’s just hard to comprehend how bad demand has gotten but this is the state we’re in.
  18. Psychic Nature

    “Prismatic Evolutions” to Feature Three Sets of Reverse Holos!

    Any confirmation that the Umbreon is going to have reverse holos? I know there was a chance we only got the normal eeveelutions as promos.
  19. Psychic Nature

    “Prismatic Evolutions Super-Premium Collection” to Feature Eevee ex!

    I called this when I heard one of the SARs got cut based on initial press reports. Honestly this is my favorite of the two so it will be much easier to get so I’m not mad.
  20. Psychic Nature

    Umbreon ex and Larry’s Skill from “Prismatic Evolutions” Revealed!

    Given it’s a possibility that we won’t get masterball eeveelutions because as far as we can tell they’re going to be held back as promos, this may be the most expensive card in the set.