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  1. brionicles

    Steven’s Metagross ex and Marnie’s Grimmsnarl ex Decks Revealed!

    Steven’s Metagross being a more useful/applicable TWM Infernape. Maybe combos with Archaludon ex for now?
  2. brionicles

    “Battle Partners” Secret Rares Revealed!

    i really dig how Lillie's Clefairy ex 115 looks. the Swinub is gonna be a must-have for me...
  3. brionicles

    Volcanion ex, Iris, Wailord Illustration Rare, and More from “Battle Partners!”

    i’ve been hoping they’d give the Burn special condition some love like they do with Poison so much more often. thinking about TEF Magcargo + that Magmortar… also RIP to Tera. i always dig the mechanic personally, i guess my idea of Tera-Flying Blaziken ex with Brave Bird will stay a dream...