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  1. dineinunes

    “Destined Rivals” English Pokemon Set Releasing in May!

    The Rocket set is a main set in Japan, it would never come to us as a special set.
  2. dineinunes

    “Heat Wave Arena” Set Revealed Featuring Misty, Ethan, Cynthia, and Arven’s Pokemon!

    More like Misty doesn't get an ex, considering she isn't in the pack art.
  3. dineinunes

    Discussion Destined Rivals Prospective Setlist (SV10)

    CARDS INTENTIONALLY EXCLUDED CONFIRMED PROMOS /// POSSIBLE PROMOS Zarude (CoroCoro promo - May 2024) Zebstrika (CoroCoro promo - January 2025) Hippopotas (Gym Promo series 8) Hippowdon (Gym Promo series 8) Kangaskhan (CoroCoro promo - October 2024) OTHER CARDS IR Iono's Wattrel (Battle...
  4. dineinunes

    Discussion Destined Rivals Prospective Setlist (SV10)

    SECRET RARES (02/??) Illustration Rares: 02/26? Special Illustration Rares: 00/12? Gold cards: 00/06? [???] IR Marnie's Morpeko (Starter Set ex Marnie’s Morpeko & Grimmsnarl ex) [???] IR Steven's Beldum (Starter Set ex Steven’s Beldum & Metagross ex) [???] FA Ethan's Ho-oh (Heat Wave Arena...
  5. dineinunes

    Discussion Destined Rivals Prospective Setlist (SV10)

    CORE SET (023/???) Pokémon ex: 04/18? Trainer's Pokémon ex: 04/10? [???] Ethan's Cyndaquil (Heat Wave Arena) [???] Ethan's Quilava (Heat Wave Arena) [???] Ethan's Typhlosion (Heat Wave Arena) [???] Ethan's Slugma (Heat Wave Arena) [???] Ethan's Magcargo (Heat Wave Arena) [???] Ethan's Ho-oh...
  6. dineinunes

    Discussion Destined Rivals Prospective Setlist (SV10)

    Destined Rivals releases May 30th, 2025. SV9 Prospective Setlist | SV10.5 Prospective Setlist | SV11 Prospective Setlist
  7. dineinunes

    “Charizard ex Special Collection” Featuring Lenticular Charizard ex Card!

    There are other unreleased alt artworks of those Pokémon.
  8. dineinunes

    Discussion List of Scarlet & Violet era unreleased/exclusive cards

    UPDATE 01/22/2025: ADDED FA Iono's Bellibolt (Iono’s Bellibolt ex Premium Collection, JTG#???) to the list of Internationally-Exclusive cards. REMOVED Charizard (Charizard ex Battle Master Deck, OBF#125) is being released in the Charizard ex Special Collection.
  9. dineinunes

    Discussion Journey Together Prospective Setlist (SV9)

    Yeah, I'm not totally sold on Rabsca because it was just released, but Veluza makes sense since Billy & O'nare is likely in it.
  10. dineinunes

    “Battle Partners” Secret Rares Revealed!

    We already know that our set only has 3 Gold cards so there shouldn't be any more. Also, just by the numbers on the cards we can assure that there aren't any, because they would need to come before Spike Energy.
  11. dineinunes

    “Battle Partners” Secret Rares Revealed!

    There is no other set in Journey Together, just the remaining Generations decks' cards.
  12. dineinunes

    “Battle Partners” Secret Rares Revealed!

    wouldn't be surprised if this year's High Class set feature lots of trainer SARs with their pokémon.
  13. dineinunes

    “Battle Partners” All 100 Main Set Cards Revealed!

    No. It will be combined with the rest of the Generations decks' cards, which were not included in Prismatic Evolutions, and that's it. SV9a will be in our SV10.
  14. dineinunes

    Discussion Journey Together Prospective Setlist (SV9)

    I think they only did that because of the Exposition, which would've revealed cards anyway.
  15. dineinunes

    “Battle Partners” All 100 Main Set Cards Revealed!

    “Battle Partners” All 100 Main Set Cards Revealed!
  16. dineinunes

    Discussion List of Scarlet & Violet era unreleased/exclusive cards

    UPDATE 01/17/2025: ADDED Hop's Pincurchin (Gym Promo series 9), Drifloon (Gym Promo series 9), Drifblim (Gym Promo series 9), Pokémon Center Lady (Gym Promo series 9, FLF#093) and Captain Pikachu (Pokémon TCG Gem Pack) to the list of Internationally-Unreleased cards. Hop's Zacian (Hop’s...