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  1. StingAZG

    “Destined Rivals” English Pokemon Set Releasing in May!

    Sadly the timing doesn't work, the Unova pokedex set is such a better set to do for the special set because it plays off of 151 because Unova was supposed to be the reset with 151 new pokemon
  2. StingAZG

    “Destined Rivals” English Pokemon Set Releasing in May!

    This is great news, thank goodness it doesn't have Rocket in the name!!!! This will help ween out the scalpers and "investors".
  3. StingAZG

    “Surging Sparks” Store Promos Revealed, Will Also Promote “Pokemon Horizons” Anime!

    Some updates the Fuecoco, Spriatito, and Quaxly all are reverse holo with the stamp, while the Terapagos is just a normal holo with the stamp, I havent been able to find these in person so i did some ebay hunting and came across this revelation
  4. StingAZG

    “Tyranitar ex / Tsareena ex Premium Collections” Releasing at Walfart for Black Friday, Other Boxes That Could Release

    Cant forget about the Aeiglslash ex box as well we have seen an English variant in the UK but hasn't been released in the US yet, I was thinking of a black Friday box for Best Buy just like the Mew V and Kyurem V from a few years back Edit : Also the Tera Team box has already been released at...
  5. StingAZG

    Full Card List for 2024 Trainer’s Toolkit!

    Note: the Ditto's are a new variant of the card as a non-holo
  6. StingAZG

    Pokemon Center to Launch in Australia and New Zealand!

    I like the Psyduck idea
  7. StingAZG

    Pokemon Center to Launch in Australia and New Zealand!

    New Special Delivery Pokemon Card incoming....
  8. StingAZG

    New “Enhanced 2-Pack Blister” Featuring Palafin, Baxcalibur, and Garganacl!

    It has been printed 5 times, theres a few trainers that have about 15 variants, i think theres a few pokemon with 6 variants now
  9. StingAZG

    New “Enhanced 2-Pack Blister” Featuring Palafin, Baxcalibur, and Garganacl!

    Yes at Target there was a Scovillan and Palafin version of the Premium Checklane Blisters
  10. StingAZG

    New “Enhanced 2-Pack Blister” Featuring Palafin, Baxcalibur, and Garganacl!

    Garganacl Cosmo Holo is exclusive to this product, the Palafin and Baxcalibur came out in the Temporal Forces Premium Checklane Blisters
  11. StingAZG

    Darkness Approaches — Banette ex Emerges from the Shadows

    I knew Banette ex could be useful for something, I almost made a deck around it to try it out but then decided to move to Alakazam ex because I wasn't to sure what the Bannette could work well with, now I cant see the decklist but I have a feeling its pretty good
  12. StingAZG

    Pokemon Reduces Van Gogh Distribution for Hobby Stores, Expands to Large Chain Stores: At Least 100K Copies Expected!

    I CALLED IT... No but honestly this is a great FU to those who Pre-Scalped them from the LCS's
  13. StingAZG

    Van Gogh Pikachu Promos Being Pre-Scalped in the Netherlands, Another Botched Release Feared

    Would love for Pokemon to just cancel the promotion outright if they get wind of this
  14. StingAZG

    New “Knock Out Collection” Featuring Special Print of Iron Jugulis!

    They really are starting to cheap out on all products now, only 1 promo and no coin... getting really stingy now arent they....
  15. StingAZG

    Mysterious “Jirachi V Box” Still Missing in the United States

    I wouldnt be surprised if this is like those Gold Tag Team GX boxes that came out around Black Friday 2021 I belive. So I would like to think it will just be delayed to the max
  16. StingAZG

    “My First Battle” Cards Revealed, Features Unique Cards, Blue Borders, and Different Backs!

    Thanks to Water Pokemon Master for including me in this article!! Im glad i could help get more information out there on this product. As for this product it does seem very teaching forward because everything is set up to teach an even more basic game than even the Battle Academies did. So its...