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  1. Fields.

    Most Valuable Cards from “Battle Partners,” Huge Error on Gold N’s Zoroark ex, Hop’s Pokemon in Last Place

    Waiting for the Articuno price to come down, but I'm just so glad it finally got a decent fullart after so many years.
  2. Fields.

    Hop’s Zacian ex Full Art Card Revealed!

    These 3D model full arts are so ugly.
  3. Fields.

    “Battle Partners” All 100 Main Set Cards Revealed!

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA that Articuno is so pretty
  4. Fields.

    Furret from “Battle Partners” Revealed!

    On the contrary, I like that bulk cards get good full-arts. It's nice when Pokemon other than the usual shillmons get attention.
  5. Fields.

    Volcanion ex, Iris, Wailord Illustration Rare, and More from “Battle Partners!”

    It's just another mechanic that makes strong pokemon stronger with no drawback.
  6. Fields.

    Volcanion ex, Iris, Wailord Illustration Rare, and More from “Battle Partners!”

    Honestly, good riddance. Tera was awful all around, from the TCG to the VGC it was just an incredibly poorly implemented mechanic.
  7. Fields.

    New Charmander and Pikachu Ultra PRO Accessories in 2025!

    Make merch of literally anything other than Charizard line or Pikachu challenge: Impossible
  8. Fields.

    Lycanroc and Spike Energy from “Battle Partners” Revealed!

    What's wrong with Mamoswine? There aren't enough Trainer's pokemon in the set for there to have a variety of Trainer-based full arts.
  9. Fields.

    “Battle Partners” Set Officially Revealed Featuring Owner’s Pokemon!

    Amen. I'm so happy the hats are going to be locked in the closet for the future.
  10. Fields.

    “Mythical Island” Mini-Set Releasing in “Pocket” Next Tuesday, 15 New Cards Revealed!

    Serperior is my favorite Pokemon and Leaf (JP Blue) is my favorite Pokemon trainer. I'm eating so damn good with this set.
  11. Fields.

    Most Valuable Cards from “Terastal Festival ex,” Surprisingly #1 is Not a Secret Rare!

    I would bet money out of my next paycheck that if they redid the Eeveelution SIRs without the hats and an actual detailed environment they'd be much more valuable.
  12. Fields.

    Venusaur Solo Battle Event Launches in “Pocket,” Rewards Promo Pack with 12.6% Chance of Pulling Venusaur

    On the off-chance you're being serious, build a deck with no ex pokemon, and join a private match with NOEX as the password to enter a queue with much more deck variety.
  13. Fields.

    “Terastal Festival ex” Main Set Cards Revealed, Plus More Secret Rares!

    That cracked ice Umbreon looks gorgeous. I also love all of the new full arts!
  14. Fields.

    Full Art Eri, Mela, and more from “Terastal Festival ex!”

    Atticus and Eri my beloveds
  15. Fields.

    Umbreon ex, Sylveon ex, Glaceon ex Special Illustration Rares Revealed from “Terastal Festival ex!”

    I feel like artists for these cards are pigeon holed into certain design elements. The tera hat makes any normal environment look out of place, so they're forced to use these abstract backgrounds instead.
  16. Fields.

    “Pokemon TCG Pocket” Earning 3x More Than “Pokemon GO,” Pulling in $3 Million Per Day!

    Honestly a little depressing that so many people are whaling on this game when real life actual pokemon cards exist that you can hold.
  17. Fields.

    All Eeveelution Cards Revealed from “Terastal Festival ex!”

    The art won't be good because of the silly hats they're forced to wear.