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  1. Obviiious

    2024 Illustration Contest Promos and Sylveon Promo to Be Given Out for “Pokemon Day!”

    In The Netherlands the Pokémon Day Eevee promocard will be at Intertoys when buying at least 30 euros of Pokémon TCG product starting February 27.
  2. Obviiious

    “Grand Adventures Collection” Promos Feature Glittery Holofoil!

    In the Netherlands at Intertoys starting somewhere next week / end of month. It will be a staggered release tho, so only Sprigatito at first.
  3. Obviiious

    40+ International “Surging Sparks” Cards Revealed!

    That Ho-Oh art takes me back 25 years.....
  4. Obviiious

    All of China’s Exclusive “Pokemon GO” Cards Revealed!

    Oh wow, I didn't see that line in the article lol. My bad!
  5. Obviiious

    All of China’s Exclusive “Pokemon GO” Cards Revealed!

    Is that Ivysaur card (non-GO version) available in previous English or Japanese sets? I love the artwork, don't think I have seen it before.
  6. Obviiious

    All Pokemon Day 2024 Store Giveaways for the Pokemon TCG!

    Unfortunately there still is no Pokémon Center in Europe... :( (The one in the UK does not ship to Europe.)
  7. Obviiious

    Massive Second Wave of Pikachu Van Gogh Promos Releasing This Weekend, Third Wave Also Coming!

    Well, that just strengthens my point. The most expensive 151 cards range between 20 and 40 euros with an availability of between 200 and 350 listings each. (Except for the Charizard MEW199 which is 70 euros with 300 listings for some reason, as always.) Absolutely no reason to pay 50+ euros...
  8. Obviiious

    Massive Second Wave of Pikachu Van Gogh Promos Releasing This Weekend, Third Wave Also Coming!

    Lol.... If you sort SV Black Star promo's from highest to lowest value on Cardmarket right now, you will see that the most expensive SV promo's atm range between 10 and 40 euros with a population between 5 en 60 listings available. The Pikachu with Grey Felt Hat has a population of 900+...
  9. Obviiious

    Massive Second Wave of Pikachu Van Gogh Promos Releasing This Weekend, Third Wave Also Coming!

    I will edit my comment, because I meant people over here in The Netherlands that pay more than 30 euros. I see it A LOT in all the Dutch marketplaces. But still, paying 50+ euros for the card is insane. Also I know way better than you how much stock there is, unless you are actually one of my...
  10. Obviiious

    Massive Second Wave of Pikachu Van Gogh Promos Releasing This Weekend, Third Wave Also Coming!

    Since February 10th the card has been available at all Intertoys stores (and some other retailers as well), it has never run out of stock. (Only some stores in the biggest cities perhaps.) And now even more stock is coming. Dutch people buying this card for more than 30 euros are literally...
  11. Obviiious

    First Day of Van Gogh Pikachu Promotion Goes Smoothly, Limited Scalping, Even More Copies Coming

    That's actually not true. The retail distribution was supposed to coincide with the Van Gogh Museum distribution (or start shortly after the exclusivity period for the Museum). But after the incidents at the Museum the retail distribution was pushed back.
  12. Obviiious

    Van Gogh Pikachu Promo Releasing Again in February, Prices Dipping!

    ~100 cards per store still means there will be like 50.000 to 75.000 extra cards released. (Intertoys on its own is already 220+ stores around the country.) It would be crazy if prices didn't drop any further in the coming weeks.
  13. Obviiious

    “Paradox Rift” Set Guide: Card List, Secret Rares, Cut Cards, Products, and More!

    @Fantomet78 - Let's hope the quality of cards here in the EU will now improve starting with Paradox Rift..... QA is absolutely terrible over here.
  14. Obviiious

    “Pokemon Trade and Play Event” at GameStop On October 7th!

    We have these events once or twice a year at all Intertoys stores (220+ locations) in the Netherlands as well for kids under 15 years old. Next wave of events is during autumn holiday over here (October 17 untill 28 depending on region):
  15. Obviiious

    TPCi Announces Sweepstakes To Win Every “Sword & Shield” Booster Box!

    Europe doesn't exist again, thanks.
  16. Obviiious

    “Trick or Trade” BOOster Packs Return for 2023!

    Supplier contacted us about it.
  17. Obviiious

    “Paldea Partner Tins” Revealed for September!

    European versions.
  18. Obviiious

    “Trick or Trade” BOOster Packs Return for 2023!

    We will get them in the Netherlands (Europe) as well.