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  1. P

    TPCi Promises to Print More “Prismatic Evolutions” Amid Unusual Demand

    While true, it's not nearly as big of problem with pokemon as it is with other card games. Playing pokemon competitively is cheap as dirt compared to other games. The only things that ever gets truly expensive with pokemon are the collectable cards. The fact that the rules allow for a 2 week...
  2. P

    Volcanion ex, Iris, Wailord Illustration Rare, and More from “Battle Partners!”

    Not gonna lie i forgot Bax was a thing. I was thinking more along the lines of frosmoth.
  3. P

    Volcanion ex, Iris, Wailord Illustration Rare, and More from “Battle Partners!”

    Please give us a new Rain Dance mon so I can crush my foes with a giant whale 🐋!!!
  4. P

    Lycanroc and Spike Energy from “Battle Partners” Revealed!

    The perfect combo piece for the dusk line. 1 prize dominance incoming!!!!!
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    “Prismatic Evolutions Super-Premium Collection” to Feature Eevee ex!

    Funny, I just pulled the JP version of this card from my one JP box
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    Full Art Eri, Mela, and more from “Terastal Festival ex!”

    Oh gotcha. I never played it so it's cool to see them here
  7. P

    Full Art Eri, Mela, and more from “Terastal Festival ex!”

    Super cool to see them as normal students. As far as I'm aware these appearances are exclusive to the card game and don't appear in the video game (correct me if I'm wrong)
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    Budew from Terastal Festival

    Yah you know stall and control are suck weak and fragile archetypes right now. They definitely need something like free item lock to really push them into viability. 🙄
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    “Black Bolt,” “White Flare,” “Heat Wave Arena” Trademarks Filed for the Pokemon TCG: More Evidence of Later “Legends: ZA” Release!

    Yyyyaaaayyyy mooooorrrreeee fire support.... can't we get some grass stuff that isn't half baked for once, and no teal mask doesn't count its an engine for other decks not a grass deck itself.
  10. P

    PokeBeach Turns 21 Years Old Today!

    Happy Birthday!
  11. P

    Cradily, Lileep, Antique Root Fossil from Stellar Miracle!

    Matteloop complains about every AR card that isn't a mon they specifically want
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    Pokemon Japan Reprints Even More Sets; Almost All “Scarlet & Violet” Sets Now Restocked!

    And then Pokemon said "May the scalpers be cast into hell." Roman's 25... Probably
  13. P

    Antique Cover Fossil, Carracosta from Stellar Miracle!

    No matter how good that ability is at the end of the day it's still a fossil. So it's going to be unplayable unless they print some way to bypass the fossil requirement.
  14. P

    Pokemon TCG Earned Record $857 Million in Japan for 2023, More Than Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic, and Others Combined!

    You act like yugiohs logistics are better. If the horror stories I've heard over the years are true then yugioh is far worse than pokemon in that regard. Noting have a set limit for attendance or advance sign ups has a long list of issues.
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    Blissey ex, Scoop Up Cyclone, Ogerpon ex SIR, and More from “Mask of Change!”

    Now we just need to bring back Computer Search
  16. P

    Pokemon Presents Coming on Pokemon Day Next Tuesday!

  17. P

    “Combined Powers Premium Collection” and New February Releases Coming!

    I have never even seen the evolving powers box
  18. P

    Vessels and Vitality — Roaring Moon Is Broken

    So Roaring Moon is broken then? Thanks for letting me know ?
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    Scoop Up Net Banned in Japan!

    I know nothing about the format but last time I looked I'd say VS seeker so people have to play more than 1 copy of every supporter in their deck
  20. P

    PokeBeach Podcast: Van Gogh Collaboration is Disaster for Pokemon Fans

    I know several people who got into pokemon souly to resell stuff. One came to me and showed me a pick of 25 celebration charizard box's he bought from the local Walmart. I asked him what he was going to do with them and he showed me his ebay posting where he was selling them for nearly double...