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  1. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    Best Decks

    Well, with over 300+ deck ideas and over 2000 cards, you got ALOT of options. Some really good decks in the MD-on format were this (that CAN be played in Palace) Dialga-Chomp (Dialga G LVL X + Garchomp C LVLX) Blaze-Chomp (Blaziken FB LVL X + Garchomp C LVLX) Mind you serious mods must be...
  2. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    Regi Groudon for BR Fall

    I have a list similar to yours, minus the Groudon EX. Instead, I'm using Bouffalant BW5. The Ability + Eviolite speaks for itself, and its a counter to ANY EX hitting them for 120 consistently. Eviolite +its ability takes off 40 Damage per turn. TBH I just dont have the cash for Groudon. I...
  3. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    Cinesra, Thanks! :)

    Cinesra, Thanks! :)
  4. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    BW/BW2 Toxic Spikes; is it worth it for my Beedrill?

    RE: Toxic Spikes. Is it worth it for my Beedrill? Well, I do thank you for your opinnions. They are very helpful since I'm not to knowledgeable in the VGC (although I DID know about Toxic Spikes always staying on the field unless those exceptions are met). My team kinda looks like this. This...
  5. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    BW/BW2 Toxic Spikes; is it worth it for my Beedrill?

    RE: Toxic Spikes. Is it worth it for my Beedrill? I do agree with this, don't get me wrong. Yanmega does a better job than Beedrill, but with me its all a matter of preference.
  6. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    BW/BW2 Toxic Spikes; is it worth it for my Beedrill?

    RE: Toxic Spikes. Is it worth it for my Beedrill? Can it learn this in B/W? Or just B/W2
  7. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    BW/BW2 Toxic Spikes; is it worth it for my Beedrill?

    RE: Toxic Spikes. Is it worth it for my Beedrill? See I like that set. Not too much to change at least (if I see anything I would want to out of personal preference). I already have the Jolly Nature on my Beedrill. Wasnt too sure about the item either. But yeah, I really like Beedrill. He was...
  8. Gengar_is_Pwnage


    Hey guys. I thought of something unique, sort of as a fun deck in a Palace style format. Pokemon: 16 4-2-4 Beedrill GE (UL Kakuna, GE Weedle) 3 Spiritomb (AR) 2-1 Shaymin LVL X Land forme T/S/S: Total 37 4 Professor Oaks New Theory 2 BTS 3 Roseannes Research 3 Expert Belt 4...
  9. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    BW/BW2 Toxic Spikes; is it worth it for my Beedrill?

    Hello all, I'm currently EV training a Beedrill like so: 252 ATTK 252 SPD 4 HP Or however it works out (too lazy to do the math) But I want to see if Running Toxic Spikes is worth it for a Beedrill. I'm not entirely sure its the right idea. The set up I have now is this...
  10. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    ReshiBoar - Provincials (Combination between EX and B/W)

    I disagree with taking out Musharna. Reason being. I only use it early game, so if it gets caught out I could care less. By the time some one uses catcher on it. I'm done using it. Yes I have play tested this, and it does fairly well with the list I have. However, I do agree with the Junk...
  11. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    ReshiBoar - Provincials (Combination between EX and B/W)

    I disagree with Junk Arm. In playtesting thus far, I haven't needed them. I had them in my first build (which wasn't posted here), and they just became dead draw late game. I'm also not taking out Rocky Helmet, more for the fact that if Mewtwo hits it, and I have a Reshiram EX set up, it...
  12. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    ReshiBoar - Provincials (Combination between EX and B/W)

    Heres my pretty much, un modifiable list. Reason I say that is because space is tight. Only things I will NOT consider Mewtwo EX (money and not needed IMO) Fisherman Smeargle On with the list 3 Reshiram EX 1 Reshiram B/W 2-2 Musharna ND (REALLY good fit here) 2-1-2 Emboar 2...
  13. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    RVLT (Regigigas EX, Vileplume,Landorus,Terrakion.)

    Dude, Kyurem is gonna be in the English set.... Right here, bottom of page 2. Add them in. How does Landorus set up Reuniclus though.... Kyurem is much better. Trust me.
  14. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    RVLT (Regigigas EX, Vileplume,Landorus,Terrakion.)

    Kyurem EX or Kyogre EX would work best here. Replace your Landorus line with either of them Kyogre spreads. Kyurem just destroys. Landorus isnt needed, Terrakion will do all of the damage you could possibly want. I would remove Pichu for a 2nd Gloom but thats just me, more consistency...
  15. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    TeYK (take lol)

    ^ I must agree here. N is needed. Bad hand + Electrode + Sniping = N as early refresher I wold do this: -3 Cheren +2 Juniper +1 N OR: +2 N +1 Juniper. The value of drawing to whats needed here is cruicial early game, by having this in there, with most of the other...
  16. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    Fossil Time!!! (Dark Rush)

    I never played fossils in Base Set, so I wanted to try it out here. This is also my counter to my Meta, which is Zekrom, EelZone, and Reshiram. 4-4 Carracosta 2-2 Archeops 3 Terrakion 2 Cryogonal w/ Ice Shard (just incase there is a Donphans and Dragons) T/S/S 4 Cover Fossil 2...
  17. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    Terrakion/Kyurem/Yanmega (a counter to my Meta)

    I would remove Shaymin anyway, I dont really see its need in here. You should be able to get enough energy out with out having to move any around. Heres my suggestion -2 Shaymin -2 Research Record +2 Switch +2 Sages or Juniper The reason I say get rid of Research Records is there...
  18. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    Team Sonicboom- Pokebeach's Sonic Fan Club

    Question for the group? If you are into the comics, what did you think of the Genesis series released in July? I actually REALLY liked it :) I just want everyone elses opinion
  19. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    ZPST Donk Deck

    Dare I ask (I am just not aware of its purpose), why is there a special dark, when there are no {D} Pokemon in the deck?
  20. Gengar_is_Pwnage

    (1) Kyurem EX, Regigigas EX, and Other BW3 Cards Revealed! [9/1]

    Regigigas EX = MASSIVE WANT!!!! That card has HUGE potential