Very cool we're getting the Charmander, Squirtle and Eevee Chansey cards to match the Pikachu and Bulbasaur ones we already got. I love the artwork for that Blastoise, looks sorta steampunk-ish.
It will be really annoying if ex cards are the ones that are not available to trade at the start and are the ones that will be "gradually" brought in. I'm pretty sure they're the ones most people want to trade for first 😂
Poliwag, Jigglypuff, Tangela and Cubchoo are my top favourites. Shoutouts to Togepi, Glalie and Cacnea. Bulbasaur is my favourite starter, and Articuno is my favourite legendary.
If you manage to get 2 of every card in the event, is it worth saving the event stamina incase they add more event cards? Or do you guys just use it to get more doubles of the current event cards?
Yeah it's a great feeling when you take out a strong Moltres ex or Mewtwo ex deck with your basic darkness deck you put together in a couple of minutes. Then you are brought back to reality when you get destroyed by turn 3 with a crazy Starmie ex or Articuno ex deck 😂