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  1. chongjasmine

    Discussion What is your first Pokemon game?

    What is your first Pokemon game? Mine is Pokemon Red, Gameboy. That is the first Pokemon game I played.
  2. chongjasmine

    Pokemon Favourite Pokemon?

    What is your favourite Pokemon? For me, it is Charlizard.
  3. chongjasmine

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello, I am chongjasmine from Singapore. I just discover the Pokemon TCG game. I joined to learn how to build my deck. Nice to meet you all!
  4. chongjasmine

    Help New to Pokemon TCG!

    Hello all! I am a newbie to the world of Pokemon TCG! I just registered an account with TCG live. I wonder how to build my own deck. There is so many cards to choose from. I will appreciate if you can give me some tips to begin building my deck. The pre-set deck which TCG gives sucks. I keep...