Are you a PokeBeach premium member?
What is your PTCGO screen name (the name you battle with, not the name you log in with)?
What time zone do you live in? (If you don’t know what time zone you live in, use a World Clock to find out.)
Did you play in November’s tournament...
cards that are needed for the deck is 4-3 grimer/muk, 4 nihilego, 4 choice band, 3-4 chaos tower.
scoop up/acerola or ninja boy are all potential resources for re using nihilegos ability.
in my list I also play a 1 of darkrai gx for the insta kill.
Are you a PokeBeach premium member?
What is your PTCGO screen name (the name you battle with, not the name you log in with)?
What time zone do you live in? (If you don’t know what time zone you live in, use a World Clock to find out.)
Did you play in October’s tournament?