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  1. Norman Black

    Community The Beach Member Picture Thread

    RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!) Haven't been on here in forever! Fun fact, I'm 16 years old. Yeah that makes you so BA, lol ~ES Whoa! If you look past the buff 16 year old you can see a) a baby in a baby carriage b) a single cloud in the sky c) girls...
  2. Norman Black

    Community The Beach Member Picture Thread

    RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!) Some photos that are a couple months old.
  3. Norman Black

    Pokemon What do your friends and family think about Pokemon?

    I haven't played in almost five years, but I always got a bunch of crap for it. A lot of people accepted it, but there were always those few people who would get on my nerves, like at school and home. It's actually why I became a serious athlete. I miss the game though.
  4. Norman Black

    What activities do you LOOOVE? <3

    Hiking Surfing Traveling Volunteering Bodybuilding Going to the Ocean Throwing the Discus Music
  5. Norman Black

    Pokemon How long have you guys been in the Pokemon World =D ?

    In late 2006, when my friend had me playing Pokemon Crater. I stopped after Worlds 2009. Haven't been playing in any competitions since.
  6. Norman Black

    Pokemon Will Pokemon die out?

    I haven't payed attention to Pokemon since... early of two years ago. Though last year I did attend Comic Con and entered the Pokemon room, and the fan base did get smaller than all the other years I've attended. I've got so much into Track and Field, I forgot what Pokemon was.
  7. Norman Black

    Community The Beach Member Picture Thread

    RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)
  8. Norman Black

    (4) Poo Incident, 3DS Sales, Forces of Nature Collection, New Wi-Fi Event [3/10]

    I don't play Pokemon anymore, but honestly... They could have done a different prank. Not being all disgusting and using their own feces, urine, etc. I mean come on guys, really?
  9. Norman Black

    Community The Beach Member Picture Thread

    RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)
  10. Norman Black

    What thing would you save?

    A natural disaster, I would save my family. Nothing else is as important. Also I would actually choose items that will help me survive in the wild because after natural disasters, people will intend to fight and do anything to survive.
  11. Norman Black

    pokemonjoe, Yes I do remember actually. In fact I'm planning on going to visit a tournament...

    pokemonjoe, Yes I do remember actually. In fact I'm planning on going to visit a tournament later this season, I will give it back if you are able to attend.
  12. Norman Black

    pokemonjoe, Yes I have played a couple years back in the San Diego Game Empire league. May I...

    pokemonjoe, Yes I have played a couple years back in the San Diego Game Empire league. May I know who you may be?
  13. Norman Black

    Pokemon Most memorable Pokemon Event

    It was probably the Pokemon World Championship 2009, it was my last tournament I've attended. That season overall was a great season. Many great accomplishments, friends, and memories.
  14. Norman Black

    Pokemon Your real world experience of Pokemon with friends and family

    I was playing Pokemon in middle school, and when I was there, almost everybody played Pokemon after hearing about my tournaments and such. It was one popular game at my school until I left. Once I left, nobody there has ever played Pokemon again, and even if someone did, there isn't anybody that...
  15. Norman Black

    Name Change Requests - Closed.

    RE: Name Change Requests Please may I have my name changed to "Norman Black"? Thank you. No problem. Please put your old username somewhere in your usertitle/sig. Thanks! ~CMP
  16. Norman Black

    Community The Beach Member Picture Thread

    RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)
  17. Norman Black

    Community The Beach Member Picture Thread

    RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!) Haven't been on this website in... Forever. This was before my fourteenth birthday. Take care!
  18. Norman Black

    How did you find this place?

    Pokegym directed me here from an error thread.
  19. Norman Black

    September 8th Power-out

    On September 8th, a Power-out occurred in the whole Southern California, Arizona, and intensively spread all the way to Mexico. With this effect, over 1.5 million people did not have any sort of electricity and were forced to use generators. Every gas station, restaurant, and store were forced...
  20. Norman Black

    the worst moment of your life

    The week of the Track & Field Junior Olympic Regional Championships when during training, I injured my lower back. When the day came, I was 2 feet away in the Top 5 for Shot-put from making it to the USA Championship. That really hurt me since I wanted to go to compete with the greatest in Kansas.