PokéBeach.com Forums

Welcome back, chaos. Thinking about staying?
Chaos Jackal
Chaos Jackal
Well, some things have stayed the same like your Elsa avatars, but the place seems smaller. Or is it just me? It seems like it's just TCG and forum games now.
No, you're not wrong; they did do a reestructuring a while ago, which made the starting page show less sections.
But even besides that, it's true; the SM honeymoon has passed, so VG is dead, and now you have basically either TCG-exclusive people on one side, or the remaining forum regulars who gather to play games. There are a few who are still doing fake cards, but that's spottier (especially in image), and we're all the same as always anyway.
Chaos Jackal
Chaos Jackal
Whether or not I'm staying depends on finding something to do. Worst case scenario, I'll just catch up with some people and go on an indefinite hiatus once more.
I did trust in your rather cynical intelligence in the past, so as a resident member, what would you advise? Give it another go or just be off as soon as I can.
Oh, "cynical intelligence"; you don't need to flatter me, I'm pleased to help.

But I honestly couldn't tell you; as you said, it's about finding something to do; me, I have my fake cards thread, and keeper is running a PMD D&D lite which I'm enjoying, but that's about it. P is running a new challenge, but it has been fairly free of pain and suffering for now.